Chapter 72: I suggest you avoid me

The early morning brought along with it a glowing sunshine and the beautiful singing of the birds.

James was sleeping peacefully on the bed as the sun settled on his face. His lashes fluttered before gradually opening his eyes the quickly closing it because was right in his eyes. He flipped his body to the side and stretched out his hand to give his baby a hug. As he stretched his hand out but didn't fell anything, he turned to try the other side but still the same thing. He abruptly opened his eyes and looked round the room, as his eyes darted around the unease in his heart increased. He jumped down to rush to the bathroom to check for Katie, but she still wasn't there. He ran out the room checking every room and screaming her name but he got no response.

When he arrived downstairs the first person he saw was Catherine in her usual corporate day-to-day outfit. He walked up to and said "have you seen Katie? She isn't in the house, and I wanted to know if you saw her?" the worry in his eyes evident.

"James, I'm sorry I didn't protect her well. Remember she was taken" Catherine said almost crying at how far in denial her brother was.

'So it wasn't a dream, his girl was really taken and right in front of him as well' the realization of the situation dawned on James causing his legs to go weak. He immediately slumped to the ground. "She's gone, she's really gone" he mumbled to himself.

"I'm really sorry James this is my entire fault, I sent everyone else home so…"

"You are right, this is your fault. I wanted security, you said it wasn't needed and now Katie's gone. I'm going to leave and I suggest you avoid me" James interrupted her and shouted before storming back to his room to dress up and then he left.

From the moment he shouted at her to the moment he left, Catherine didn't move, she stared into space seeming in shock.

'I have to find Katie'

Catherine soon left her mansion like everyone else, but she didn't return to the city.

Back into the hustle and bustle of the city,

"So, expect me to believe she just dropped off the face of the earth?" James asked from his dark throne. Today was a bad day for the employees of Ning Corporation; James had been very hard to please all morning.

"Leave my office, leave my company, and do not return until you have substantial information about her. Now get out" James calmly said but his imposing, domineering and scary aura was enough to leave this poor little assistant weak in the legs. The assistant hurriedly left.

"James, you need to calm down." Nathan said from the couch.

"Calm down? I should calm down? Okay, how about you calm down when you lose someone you love and actually see yourself getting married to. Oh wait I forgot, there's no way you could ever feel that way about anyone because you can't ever commit." It was like James had swallowed gun powder, everything he said seemed like one shot after the other.

"Wow, wow. You know you're right I would never be as depressed as you and pathetic." Nathan said getting up to leave, just before he left he turned to say "you know what, I came here to help you. And I had a great pan as well." Then he walked out.

James sat at his table facing his floor to ceiling window feeling more depressed than before, he had fought with his sister and she didn't even come to work and now his best friend left.

Right now all he wanted was his girl, but even she was missing.

At Starlight

Cindy walked in wearing sweats and looking haggard, she walked up to their secretary looking worried, "what happened?"

"Cindy we don't know what happened as well, when we got here some men in suits and they said the company is being investigated for tax fraud." The assistant said almost in tears.

"Tax fraud? That's a joke, Katie handled everything and she would never do that." Cindy was in absolute shock.

"Where's Ms Song, she would know what to do?"

"She isn't available presently, what did the men in suits say? Cindy asks trying to desperately change the topic.

"They asked us to leave the premises as soon as possible and they took some files out of Ms Song office for investigations, then they left."

"Ok, there is nothing to be worried about. How about you go home and I'll try to get you a temporary job until everything is sorted, ok?" it took all of Cindy's energy to keep calm but she didn't have Katie to rely on.