Chapter 76: Waking him up

It has been a week and a day since James fought with Catherine and lost Katie, he had not seen his two favorite girls in eight days.

Every morning he would go to work, work till he felt numb, go to his empty penthouse and drink himself to sleep, but it wasn't working today. Almost everything he saw throughout the whole day reminded him of Katie and now he couldn't even get drunk enough to pass out.

He was a mess; he lay splattered on his Italian rug desperately trying to find the spot where Katie spilled her perfume oil so he could have a wife of her unique scent.

Where could she be? He had checked everywhere; it felt like she dropped off the face of the earth leaving no trace behind.

Was she dead? Was she alive but being tortured and abused by the abductors, did she escape and couldn't fine her way back? What actually happened to his baby?


It had been a week since Catherine left Mansion Rosa but this was the first time she returned to the city, she planned on driving straight to a private home but she subconsciously drove to her brother's penthouse. She glanced at the highest floor hesitating for a second before opening the car door and walking out.

"Catherine?" she had only taken one step when she heard a familiar name call her, she turned to see Jeremy and Nathan walking towards. It seemed they had also come to visit James.

"Where have you been? Do you know what your brother has been going though?" Nathan immediately berated her. "I never knew you could be so selfish"

Jeremy watched at the side as Catherine's face got darker and darker, he tried to signal Nathan to stop but id dent work.

Listening to Nathan scolds her, Catherine was initially planning to get back in her car and leave but she didn't come to see these idiots she came for her brother. Not even responding to Nathan, Catherine immediately turned on her heels and walked into the building.

"Hey? I was still talking" Nathan said furiously as he rushed after Catherine. They all stood in a quite elevator ride.

When they arrived at the house the sight they saw shocked them, the house was dark and dusty and the chocking smell of alcohol and women's perfume oil combined.

Catherine immediately walked towards James' room, pushing the door aside and walking in. she only took two steps before stopping staring straight ahead. Soon Jeremy and Nathan caught up and they both stopped as well.

James lies on the floor, seemingly too drunk to notice anyone. He was on his own world.

Jeremy and Nathan rushed forward to help him up while Catherine walked past them to the bathroom. While they were struggling to lift the drunk James up they didn't hear the sound of rushing water. In the next second all they heard was "splash" and James was soaking wet.

Seeing her brother like this, Catherine was furious. It's one thing to turn into a mess every time something emotional happened to you. It's another thing to think drinking would solve your problems. She had been through so much in the dark and she still lived life optimistically but seeing her brother break over his missing girlfriend she just lost it.

"What are you doing?" Nathan and Jeremy asked in unison.

"WAKING HIM UP. He needs to stop acting like a little 'bitch' and actually make effort" Catherine yelled in rage

"He is looking for someone important to him, cut him so slack ok?" Jeremy said.

"No she is right; I'm not going to find Katie this way. We need a plan" sobering up James finally spoke.

"We had a plan but she declined and what do you want us to do?" Nathan said defeated.

"Whose help did you ask for?" Catherine asked.

"This lady named Rose; I reached her through a friend of mine who works in the dark. But she didn't accept our job." Nathan informed Catherine

"Rose? Who's that?" Catherine calmly asked.

"She is probably the best person to ask, she has her ways." Jeremy nonchalantly said. He cared a lot about Katie but he just didn't like to show his emotions.

"I know what to do"
