Chapter 77: Elephant in the room

"I know what to do"

No one realized when James left his position on the floor. Now he was standing in front of the bathroom with a towel around his waist.

"Ok, how about you tell us once you are dressed" Catherine said while turning her head away from her half naked brother.

"Oh, feel free to leave. I wasn't talking to you to begin with, if I need your help I'll let you know" James coldly replied without even glancing at Catherine.

Nathan and Jeremy were both shocked at James mean reply; they felt sorry for Catherine James had never spoken to her like that before. Reading the atmosphere and knowing where she wasn't needed Catherine swiftly and quietly left.

"We should talk to Samuel Zhou; he's the only one that can help us." James said breaking the silence.

"Why Samuel? Isn't he just some royal family's only heir" Jeremy asked not really sure how Samuel could help.

"He has a lot of friends who can help us" James replied indifferently.

"That's true; rumor has it that he was dating some iron lady. Most call her Rose of death, she was the one who declined our job." Nathan had been researching things in the dark and with his connections he was able to find out a lot.

"Exactly, he should arrive from the states soon. We would meet him then" James said with determination and a little ray of hope.

"Ok now that we have settled our plan, I think we should talk about the elephant in the room or outside the room" Nathan said hinting at a particular someone that was banished from the room.

"Well can you really describe her as elephant, more like a flower but with the aura of a killer whale, peaceful when undisturbed but viscous when attacking prey." Jeremy analyzed completing shifting from the topic.

"Whatever, that's not the point." Nathan said shooting Jeremy look that said 'shut the hell up'. "My point is, I think you should forgive her. It wasn't her fault and she just wanted to give you and Katie some alone time"

"Some alone time? Well she did a great job at that, cause guess what? I am alone." James said glancing coldly at the door,

"Oh my lord, you ungrateful son of an idiot." Jeremy said losing his cool. How do you think you appear on your bed every day after you drink yourself to a state no better death? Do you think people can drink that much and still be so sober the next day? It doesn't work like that, Catherine has sent someone here everynitgh around 3 am to check up on you and clean you up. Also she hasn't been to work in almost a week but yet the work load is still reasonable, why do you think that is? You need to get over yourself." Once he was done talking he walked out slamming the door.

James stood awkwardly, he obviously knew it wasn't Catherine's fault but his brain just got angry every time he thought about how helpless he was that night.

Back in the village, Katie and Alex set out on their journey. They would take a bus for three hours before finally leaving the rural areas, then they would take a cab to the center city, where they would stay at a hotel paid for by Alex new boss. They would wake up the early the next morning and look around the city before their dinner in the night, then leave early the next morning.

"Bye mom, bye dad" Katie sad reluctant to part with her parents.

"Go already, your future isn't here anymore" mother Song sad emotionally.

After a couple more goodbyes, Alex and Katie finally left to board the bus.

"Finally, I thought she was never going to leave" father song said, his warm fatherly aura gone and now replaced with a dangerous one.

"Do you think it's wise for her to go back to the city? What is she remembers something?" mother Song asked with worry in her voice.

"Don't worry about it master knows what he is doing, he plans on breaking her once and for all"

At the bus station,

While they were waiting for the bus to move, Katie and Alex shared stories of their supposed child hood shared together.

"I remember when we were younger and you would mistake sand for food, and people called you sandy." Alex said.

"Really I don't remember that." Katie said.

"It's okay it's been a while, I also remember…" Alex continued to share his memories but Katie couldn't remember any of them come to think of it she didn't even remember growing up with Alex.