Chapter 82: We all have our secrets

Samuel gently wiped and disinfected the wound before plastering up with utmost care, just as he finished there was a knock on the door.

Samuel elegantly stood up and made his way to the door; he gently opened it and in came Nathan, Jeremy and James. The four men exchanged greetings and moved towards the table with seats around it.

Samuel gestured for Catherine to join which she had all intention of doing. Catherine moved to seat in between Jeremy and James with Samuel and Nathan seating across from them.

"I know what you want and I'm not sure I can be of any help." Samuel says going straight to the point.

"This is extremely important, I don't know what else to do and rumor has it that you seem to be quite close with Rose." James hurriedly said.

"We all have our secrets, am I right Catherine?" Samuel said starring straight at Catherine, a hidden meaning behind his words. Not replying to his words Catherine echo's her brother, "we've searched everywhere for Katie and we found nothing, and in this situation my brother and his friends believe that this lady Rose is the only one that can find her. My brother tried contacting her and she rejected him, now we ask you to please help us reach out to her."

Samuel sits straight keeping eye contact with Catherine, trying desperately to read her but couldn't. He was so sure he had figured her out but maybe he was wrong and she really is just a princess. 'No!' he thought to himself her aura screams of that person in his mind.

Samuel drops his gaze to the table then looks around his eyes setting on James just as he opened his mouth to speak, "before you say no, how about we offer you something in return. You love buying shares of company's right? I'll give you 10% of Ning Corporation for half the price." James hurriedly interrupted him.

Jeremy, Nathan and Catherine couldn't believe their ears, 1% of any company under Ning Corporation was a huge deal let alone 10% of the corporation for half the price that was a crazy deal. But James seemed so scared, frazzled and like he was barely holding on.

Samuel stared straight into James' eyes giving off a very imposing aura that only someone bred from a pure royal family could give off, before he burst into laughter. "James, there is no need to panic I'm going to help you and I won't take your shares but maybe in the future we could walk together. I'll contact Rose tonight and we will leave tomorrow morning."

"Thank you so much Samuel this means a lot to." James said his voice full of relief.

"I'd also do the same for someone I love" Samuel replied with all seriousness with a faraway look in his eyes that nearly broke Catherine, she felt like running up to him and giving in to him.

"How far away is Rose" Nathan asked.

"Extremely far away, we would have to travel with a helicopter. She stays on an island far away from the coast."

"So I will see you all tomorrow" Samuel said preparing to leave.

"I won't be coming" Catherine slowly said earning a smirk for Samuel, "and why is that" Samuel replied sure of the answer.

"I don't like flights and have to watch over the company while my brother is away" Catherine smoothly replied.

After they finished planning they all left for their various rooms.

In Catherine's room,

She sat on the bed making a call ad strapping on her black boots, standing up she picked up her bag and walked out of the suite taking the elevator to the underground car pack where a midnight black car was waiting for her.

Catherine swiftly left the car park driving out of the hotel when a blur ran in front of her car.