Chapter 83: Pampered Catherine or the tough Rose

The morning sun shun over the city brighten up the days of those it touched, and in the center of it was James who seemed to remain under a black cloud. As they made their way to the roof of the hotel to board the helicopter waiting for them, silence filled the elevator.

Jeremy was genuinely worried about one of his closest friends and wasn't in his usual chatty mood.

Nathan on the other hand was only here to support his best friend, even though he believed that James could always find another girl he wasn't about to make his thoughts loud.

Samuel who casually leaned on the wall of the elevator seemed to be calmest of them all, but he was secretly battling his own turmoil. He was so sure that the precious Catherine was Rose because that was the only plausible reason he could think of, he had seen the exact irreplaceable ring he had given Rose in Catherine's manor, and the magical and sensual kiss they shared seemed all to familiar to him. But there was only one problem, Catherine was the exact opposite of Rose but the connection he felt towards both women couldn't be ignored. And let's not forget the memories that overwhelmed him at the manor.

The ever cool and collected James stood in front of elevator ready to dash out the moment it opens. He constantly blamed himself for losing the one thing he truly felt was his. The memory of him and Katie making plans to meet her parent assaulted him over and over. She had told him their favorite things and that her father loved paintings and her mother loved antiques. He had it all planned in his mind and he didn't see anything going wrong, but now here he stood in an elevator on his way to meet a criminal just so he could get his girl back. 'Katie wherever you are I'll find you and bring you back to my arms were you belong.'

They finally reached the roof of the hotel where a huge helicopter was waiting for them; they all got on in silence and proceeded with their journey.

The little island of Roses

Rose rushed into her estate with a small female in her arms. Seeing Rose approach the estate gate Red Rose one accompanied by other members of the Red team rushed out to assist her.

"Take her to the infirmary I want her well and healthy, if she isn't you will be buried with her. Go?" Rose instructed Red Rose 1 with fire in her voice as she handed the small female in arms to the other Red Roses before storming past them and walking straight into her estate.

Rose immediately rushed into the west wing of her estate, which was off limit to all Roses except the leaders of each team and of course Liam who owned a room in that wing.

On the top floor in her room Rose immediately dropped her hoody revealing her long brown curly hair.

Rose stood in front of her mirror feeling conflicted. She lived a double life and now both lives were about to merge. 'by day princess Catherine and by night Criminal Rose' she thought to herself, but right now she didn't look like the pampered Catherine or the tough Rose no, she looked like a broken, confused and lost girl.

'Squeak' there was a creek at the door and Rose turned to see who it was.

"Rosie dear is that you?" a friendly old lady walked in. "oh it is you, oh look at you. How many times do I have to tell you, you can't walk around here looking like Catherine? Once you come here you are different person" the old lady said her voice dripping with indulgence.

"Nana I know, I was just in a hurry. I'll go change now" Rose replied as she bent down to hug Nana.

"When you are done join me in dining room we can talk then" Nana said before patting Rose's face and turning to leave.