Chapter 94: Emergency.

As Katie walked towards Catherine's door, a sudden fear and anxiety overcame her which slightly confused her.

When she got to the door she slightly knocked before entering. As she walked in she could feel the steam coming out of the bathroom probably from a hot shower but no sound of water. She noticed the sliding doors leading to the balcony was slightly opened but she couldn't see if anyone was outside until a strong wind blew in dancing with curtains could she a figure sitting outside.

Katie walked to the balcony, treading carefully so as to not startle her.

"Catherine?" Katie called out quietly.

"Hey." Catherine answered with a smile gesturing for Katie to take the other seat.

"Are you okay?" Katie asked.

"No. No I'm not." Catherine replied her smile gone.

"What happened after we left." Katie asked seating down.

"I didn't find him Katie. Not even a body, he was just gone." Catherine answered sagging into her chair seeming lost in her thoughts and only speaking after a while "You know you would have been an aunt by now, she would have been three years old by now. But I also lost her, and I can't find my mum."

"What are you talking about?" Katie asked confused about the new information.

"It doesn't matter now, I've spent the last week looking for him but he is gone. It's time I gave up and just lived has Catherine."

"Bullshit!" Katie swore standing up and walking over to Catherine. She bent in front of her gently grasping her arms. "You can't give up, I know you've lost a lot and everything seems very dark but it doesn't mean you should give in to the darkness. What about me, I don't even know who my real parents are and I don't know if I can trust the ones that have been with me since I can remember. And I just found out Samuel is my brother and I can't and won't just give up. These people hurt me and now my brother and I won't give up and you shouldn't either."

"That's really cute Katie but I just don't have the energy." Catherine said still feeling gloomy.

"Oh come on Catherine, what about your Samuel? You have to bring him back, you can't give up Catherine!" Katie said grasping at the last bit of hope she had.

"Wow!" Catherine said with a slight smile and surprise on her face. "Thanks, you are right I can't give up. I have a lot of people counting on me."

"Oh thank goodness, cause I had run out of ideas." Katie replied cheerfully.

"How are you doing? After everything that happened to you are you coping well?" Catherine asked noticing the dark circles under Katie's eyes.

"I just need you to be strong and I need answers. I'll be fine." Katie assured.

For the rest of the evening the gang gathered eating and joking around everyone trying not to speak about what was on their mind.

Keeping a secret from his sister was weighing James down but she was his baby sister, he couldn't corrupt her with such darkness. He wished he could have protected Katie but he will now.

Soon they all either went back home or adjourned to their rooms for the night, and for the first time in the past week Katie slept well.

On the other side of the penthouse however, the same couldn't be said.

Catherine stood on the balcony looking into the night at the bright and buzzing night life of the city seemingly enjoying vthe view but her mind was long gone.

She played the moment the bomb went off in her head over and over, wondering how she let herself get distracted. She searched tirelessly for him but couldn't find him, not a single clue as to where to look.

As she stood in the cold not wearing much and tears crept down her emotionless face, she whispered into the night "where are you? Please come back to me."

The next morning James had to resume his duties as CEO and Catherine had to go back to work leaving Katie with nothing to do.

The thought of who her parents could be haunted her.

'Samuel... What is his last name? ZHOU!' Katie inwardly exclaimed.

Not knowing what to do by herself, Katie decided to seek help from the internet. She searched up 'Samuel Zhou' and although there are numerous people with that name there was only one successful heir of a royal family.

"Samuel Zhou, Ceo of JZ" Katie read out.

She tried to find out more about the Zhou family but there was nothing almost like they didn't exist. Free

After searching for the better part of the morning, Katie decided that the only way sh was going to get any form of information about her life she had to go back, but the thought alone scared her.

Picking up her phone, Katie called in some backup and rushed to get dressed.

Half an hour later, a black Jeep stopped in front of the building and Katie rushed into it immediately being wrapped up in warm arms.

"Are you okay? What's the emergency?" An anxious Cindy asked refusing to let go.

"Oh umm... There is no emergency." Katie replied slowly.

"What!" The driver exclaimed as the car screeched to a halt.

"No emergency? Then why exactly did I leave my bed?" An annoyed Jeremy spoke from the driver's seat.

"We have a mission and I need my team." Katie replied sweetly trying to appease the angry child in front.

"What mission?" Cindy and Jeremy asked.

"We are going to the house I've lived in for the past 20 years!"