Chapter 95: looking for Rose

"We are going to the house I've lived in for the past 20 years!" Katie said.

"Are you insane? No wait I'm sorry. You must be insne if you think I'm driving you to that house!" Jeremy exclaimed putting the car in park and getting ready to get out.

"Wait, Jeremy! Please, I need answers and I don't know where to start. This is the only clue I have." Katie said.

"Please Jer bear" Katie begged with a pout and watery eyes.

"Fine." Jeremy gave in with a sigh.

"Thanks Jeremy, let's go."

The trio set out on there journey, with uncertainty.

"He's going to kill me... Yep, I'm dead. Goodbye cruel world." Jeremy murmured gloomily as he got back on the road.

They drove for a while not really talking the whole way there. Jeremy worried for his life, because the moment James hears about their trip he was going to be killed.

Cindy worried about how Katie would handle the truth.

Katie's mind was a jumbled mess, she couldn't decide whether to hate Mama and Papa Song. They weren't horrible to her, she found comfort and love in them when she was you so how could she hate them. But they lied to her for years, they kidnapped her and messed with her mind. So... How could she love them.

As she thought about all the changes in her life, the intense pain in her head was back. She began to feel light headed and just as she was about to faint the car stopped and she realized that they had gotten to the Song house.

"Well, we are here" Jeremy announced. "Katie are you sure you want to do this? "

"Yeah, this isn't safe." Cindy spoke.

"Guys it's fine, they aren't even around. We can go in and look around and leave before anybody gets back, ok?" Katie said assuring them.

"Alright, let's get this over with"

As the trio walked towards the door the sight shocked them, it looked like an abandoned house and the front door was left open. Katie took the lead, moving to the living room.

Chairs turned upside down, paper on the floor, pieces of clothes strewn on the floor, the whole house was a disaster and it didn't look like any useful information was left behind.

"Looks like they might be coming back anytime soon." Cindy said resolutely.

"They took everything worth taking." Jeremy observed as they walked round the house.

After a while of not hearing anything from Katie, they turned to see her looking at a broken picture frame, in it was a picture of her and Mama and Papa Song.

"Only things worth taking." Katie said as she dropped the picture. "Let's check the rooms."

In the house there were only three rooms, one for Mama and Papa Song, one for Katie and the last was a private room that Katie had never been in.

In Mama and Papa Song's room, the only thing there was a bed everything else had been taken. They walked down to Katie's room, which was left exactly as she left it. A tidy bed, folded clothes and the same mint and vanilla scent.

They walked in to look around, as Katie took in the scene an overwhelming feeling took over her. This was her childhood, she loved it. She tried to think back to any sign of hate in childhood but she couldn't find any.

She walked towards her table covered with books and pictures, pictiof her and her closest friends and pictures of her and her so called parents. Towards the edge of the table was personal picture of her, when she was really young and was sleeping peacefully on what seems like a princess bed, it was her favorite picture so she had to take it with her.

Finally they walked to private room, which was completely empty. It wasn't a mess like the rest of the house, it was just clean and empty.

"Well this was a waste of time." Jeremy said earning him a snack from Cindy.

"Are you okay? I know you were hoping to find answers." Cindy asked Katie

"I'm fine, let's go."

As the trio walked back to the living room feeling defeated they come across an unpected person.

"Ahhh!" A startled Jeremy screamed, "what the hell Catherine?"

"What are you doing? Do you know how unsafe this is." Catherine said scolding the trio.

" It doesn't matter now, we were just about to leave." Katie answered walking past Catherine.

They all soon left and headed back to the city.

In Catherine's car,

"Come later and search the while house, I need some form of answer." Catherine said to Liam over the phone.

"Yes boss"

"Thank you Liam, any other news."

"Well, I have something although it's not really useful to our search but it seems the Zhou family is looking for Rose"