Chapter 96: What's your relationship with our son?

'Zhou family is looking for Rose'

Long after her conversation with Liam, one sentence kept replaying in her head.

Catherine knew she had to see them and she knew exactly why they wanted to see her, she just didn't know if she could speak about Samuel without breaking down.

When they all returned to the city, Jeremy drove Cindy home and Katie got into Catherine's car.

"Please don't tell James where I went today." Katie said receiving no reaction but a slight eyebrow lift from Catherine.

" I'm not scared of him or anything, I just haven't mentioned the whole situation to him"

"Why?" Catherine asked calmly

"If I tell him, he'll want to help at all cost completely taking over and I just want to find everything out slowly." Katie replied looking at Catherine's face hoping she agrees.

"Ok" was all Catherine said till they got home.

When they drove into the car park and stopped the car, Catherine turned to Katie.

" I need you to follow Rose somewhere tonight." She said.

"Where?" Katie asked confused, where could someone like her follow Rose to.

"The Zhou residence" Catherine answered getting out of the car.

The shocked Katie sat in the car for a while before finally chasing after Catherine.

"The Zhou residence? Why? And why would you want to take me?" Katie asked feeling very confused.

Catherine waited until they got into the elevator before speaking, "they want to speak to Rose because Samuel is missing, it's either because they know she had something to do with Samuel or because they want her to help find him. And I want you there because I'm not sure I can seat and talk about him calmly and apart from my brother the only person that has been able to calm me is you. Also you put yourself in danger looking for answers and I don't want that happening again, so I'm taking you to see you family but I'm not introducing you until Samuel is back, ok?"

"Ok, when do we leave?" Katie asked more confident than before.

"Immediately. Follow me." Katie took Catherine to her room with hope of finding something along Rose's style for her.

Half an hour later, Catherine and Katie walked look dark and ethereal, with Katie dressed in a long, black silky dress embroidered with white roses from her right shoulder leading to her left waist with a slight reaching her mid thigh, her tied in a messy bun to show off her one of a kind white Jade earrings. While Rose as usually was in a custom made white dress similar to Katie's but rather than embroidered roses, she had a simple red rose brooch, her signature red hair falling gentlyon her back and simple diamond necklace.

"Isn't this a bit much? We are just going for a meeting." Katie said feeling like they went a bit much with the dressing.

"No it isn't, this is how I attend all meetings. Because I'm the queen of both good and bad, j have a reputation to uphold." Rose said with her usual domineering aura. " Let's go."

For fear of running into someone in the lobby, Rose and Katie traveled be helicopter flown by Liam who was of course coming along.

After landing on the helipad at the Zhou residence, Liam got down first wanting to help Kate and Rose down. The trio were welcomed by the staff who led them to a garden surrounded by a koi pond.

In the middle of the was a round table for five with two seats already occupied by the Zhou leaders which were Samuels parents. They exchanged greetings and soon they were all seated.

"Rose it's an honor to have you here, thank you for agreeing to our meeting." Father Zhou said unusual intense.

Not missing his reaction, rose replied gracefully.

"We asked you here just to get an answer." Mother Zhou said going straight to the point. "What is your relationship with our son."

Although Rose had a calm expression, her mind was the complete opposite. She didn't anticipate that question. What was she to tell them? After keeping quite for a while, as she was about to talk a maid rushed over whispering into mother Zhou's ear.

"Please escort Miss Rose here to the West wing, somebody would like to see her." Mother Zhou said speaking to one of the guards

The whole situation was getting out of control but Rose didn't want to make a scene so she obeyed.

After Rose left Father Zhou also excused himself. Left alone with Katie and Liam, mother Zhou finally looked at the young girl by her side. The girl reminded her of someone, the reminded her of.... Herself when she was much younger. The face, the subtle smile and such pale skin.

"What's your name darling." Mother Zhou asked sweetly.

Looking into her mother's eyes, Katie fought the tears that threatened to fall down.

" Song" she struggled to say the last name.

"Oh alright" madam Zhou replied downcast. "Where you adopted young one"

Katie froze not sure how to answer her mother who was clearly looking for something.