Chapter 98: Left behind.

Liam dropped Katie at the penthouse and flew Catherine and samule to Samuels house in the city.

Katie was so excited to speak to James, she felt so bad about keeping this from him. Walking into the penthouse, she had barely taken one step when she was lifted in warm embrace.

Wrapping her legs round his waist and arms on his neck, Katie pulled James I for deeper hug.

She hadn't realized until just now why James was freaking out about her not answering his call. She just remembered that she was missing for a month and the thought of her gone again probably scared him.

Movie to a couch in the living room, James sat with Katie still in his arms.

"Are you okay?" Katie asked feeling really bad.

"I'm alright," James finally said after releasing a few breaths. "Just always tell me what you are up to it where you are going. I'm not trying to control your life I just don't want to ever loose you again." James said with a shaking voice and rapid breath before looking up.

"I'm sorry, tonight was just very eventful." Katie apologized while caressing his face.

Leaning into her palm James asked, "what happened?."

So Katie told him everything, she started from the whole kidnapping episode to finding her biological parents. But she left out the part of Rose and Catherine being the same person, because it might be better coming from Catherine herself.

As she told the story, she hadn't realized how angry she was at her kidnapping parents. They took away her time with her parents, her brother and her life. She was looking for a reason to hate them and it wasn't until she found her parents for it to occur to her. They robbed her of her rightful childhood, with a brother who looked at her with such love and care.

She told James about Samuel and how lovely he was and how it felt like no time had passed.

Listening to all Katie had to say, it took a lot for James to comprehend. He wondered why she kept it from him, he could have helped her long ago. But instead she sought out help from everyone else but him. No, all that matters now is that she was sharing it all with him right?

While Katie was filled with joy and was embarking on a new journey, James couldn't help feeling if she would take him on this journey with her or if once again he would be left behind.

"So, that's all. Oh and before I forget my parents invited us over for dinner. Although I did not tell them I was dating but I want you there with me" Katie said pulling James out from the hole he was digging.

"I would love to meet your parents!" James excitedly said pushing his worries behind. Maybe she will take me along.

The couple chatted the night away in each other's arms only drifting off to sleep at early hours of the morning.

Placing his girl on the bed, James turned to make a few calls. If he was going to meet his baby's parents he was going to do it right.

He definitely knew about the Zhou family, probably the biggest Royal family there ever was. They ahd branches in bother the political and military field and only recently did they break into the business world.

First he called the best designer he knew.

"Morning, I know it's late but I need your help...." He was on the phone for almost an hour. Next he had to clear his day, he was going to spend the day preparing to meet his soon to be in-laws.

At 6 am the designer James had invited arrived, he had set up a room for her to work and prepare amazing outfits.

Just as he was about to sneak into bed with baby another sound came from the living room door except this time it wasn't a knock it was someone opening it.

James was on his way to see who it was when he found the culprit already preparing cereal for herself.

"Why are you sneaking around in your own house.?" James asked Catherine.

"I want to talk to you." Catherine said with an uncharacteristic nervousness.

"Cat what's wrong?" James said moving closer to her. "You can tell me anything, did you finally kill Nathan?" James said trying to make her smile but it only worsened her expression.

"Ok Catherine, what's happened?"

"Let's talk in my room." Catherine said immediately getting up and walking to her room leaving James to follow her

They settled on the balcony facing the amazing sunset.

"So? Tell me." James said unable to wait.

"I need to tell you something, I've been keeping it since I was thirteen. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to drag you into my world." Catherine said with tears.

James had never seen such a girly side to his sister especially after his illness.

"Oh Catherine, no matter what you tell me you'll still be my baby sister." James reassured as he moved to Catherine to hug her.

"I'm Rose."