Chapter 99: Don't you dear 'Jamie' me.

"I'm Rose"

Immediately those words came out Catherine felt a huge weight lifting off her shoulders. She wasnt afraid to tell the world now that she had told her brother.

After processing what Catherine had said James still didn't understand. "You are rose? Like the flower?" Confused James asked. Maybe he was just playing dumb, maybe he didn't want his precious sister to be apart of such darkness or maybe he just didn't want to believe that the one pure constant in his life since he was a kid as been lying to him for God knows how long.

"What? Not like the flower. Rose, the person. I have a alias named Rose. You've actually met her." Catherine said not noticing the storm growing in n brothers head

"You are Rose? So that period when we were at the little island of Roses when I needed my sister by my side and on my side, you were there all along. You lied straight to my face for a whole weekend, you've been lying." James spoke dangerously low enough to scare a random person but not Catherine. No matter how upset or angry he got he'd never hurt her.

"James you don't understand, I didn't have a choice. I had..."

"Bullshit! You had a choice you just chose the easiest one." James screamed cutting Catherine off causing her to tremble.

James had never yelled at his sister, in fact he had never punished or reprimanded her because she was his angel. So his sudden rise in temper completely shocked Catherine.

"Jamie calm down please." Catherine pleaded reaching over to James.

Jumping away from her reach James shouted, "don't you dear, don't you dear 'Jamie' me. Only my Catherine gets to call me that not whoever Rose is." As he spoke he headed for the door.

Getting up and running to stop him Catherine grasped James' hand, "but it's still me, I'm still the same person, please!" Catherine begged with tears threatening to fall, she had not expected this outcome. He was supposed to embrace her and tell her he accepts her no matter what.

"No! You are not my Catherine! My Catherine would have never kept me in the dark, never!." James yelled with a slight shake in his voice and watery eyes.

He opened the door to step out, standing in front of him was a anxious Katie.

"What's wrong? I heard you tell." Katie asked worriedly looking at the siblings teary eyes.

"She is Rose, can you believe that? She is a liar." James informed Katie not aware that she already knew.

Looking at Katie's guilty face and her unwillingness to look into his eyes.

"Wait, did you know?" James asked.

As Katie closed and opened her mouth with no words coming out, James saw his while world fall apart, his two favorite people in the while world only choose to tell him things when it's convenient.

"That's just great, that's fucking amazing" James said walking away from Katie and Catherine.

"Bang" James left the house.

"Bang" another sound resonated through the house but this was from Catherine's door.

Immediately the two sounds went off both Catherine and Katie dropped to the floor in tears, what was going to happen now.

One minute everything is great and the next your heart is being stomped upon by a giant.

It was supposed to be a day that marks the rest of their lives, but instead it was just filled with tears.


In a black range Rover, James was speeding away with no destination in mind. He didn't really know why he felt so bad or why he reacted in such a manner.

Now here he was driving like a crazy person and he didn't know who he could trust, so he continued driving.

After driving for hours, he found himself at airport, where was actually going to? He had no idea. But he had a private jet here and he could go anywhere, with that in mind he got down from the car and entered the airport.

Back at the penthouse,

Katie has been calling James non stop but it wasn't going through. She was so worried and she just wished she could be in his arms.

There was a knock on the door, when she opened the door it turned out to be Samuel fully dressed with two bouquet of flowers. One a mixture of different coloured roses and the other fair lilies .

"Evening, these are for you." Samuel said handing over the lilies to Katie.

"Umm..m thank you." Katie said smelling the lilies but they just reminded her of James, to be honest everything does.

"Why aren't dressed?" Samuel asked looking at Katie whow as still in her night gown.

"Oh crap! I completely forgot. I'll go get dressed now, it's been a long day it just slipped my mind."

"Is my Rose here, she said she would be." Samuel asked stepping into the house.

"Yes she is in her room, maybe she will let you in" Katie said as she moved towards her's and James' room.

On her way there she had a rumble from the room across. Cautiously, Katie walked to the door and opened and the scent she saw on the floor shocked her.

"Cindy? What the hell are you doing here?" Katie asked as her eyes searched the room landing on two mannequin wearing the most gorgeous outfits she has ever seen.

"Oh wow".