
After Jax had convinced me that I would only get him caught if I went with him and seeing that evening was approaching, I decided to head home.

Purgatory was a place were souls like mine waited to be reincarnated. It was modeled after the mortal realms. It had cities, towns, and villages, and just like the mortal realms, it had the super-rich and the dirt poor who lived in slums.

I fell into the dirt poor category, unlike the mortal realms that relied on gold, the currency of Purgatory was soul stones. Each citizen of Purgatory received a set amount of soul stones per year depending on their cultivation level of their soul, and due to my "unique" circumstances, my soul was still at infant level, so I received a whopping two soul stones a year, and considering that my rent alone was two stones, well needless to say — I had nothing left after paying rent, and with no soul power I couldn't earn soul stones like other citizens of Purgatory, so I was left with little means to earn money besides manual labor.

Walking to a small run-down apartment building, I climbed the narrow stairwell to the fifth floor. Once I got to the door to my apartment, I touched the ward on the door, which flashed blue as it recognized by soul imprint, the ward opened, then with Jax in tow, I entered my tiny apartment.

Toeing my shoes off, I stumbled to the worn out couch, and lay down, I was so freaking tired. All I wanted to do was close my eyes and take a nap.

"Brae, when are going to go to the office to fill in your paperwork?" Jax asked.

"Tomorrow" damn I forgot about the damn paperwork, but there was no freaking way I was going to go to the office now — they can add another black mark to my file for all I cared, not as though one extra black mark was going to make a difference.

You would think to be a soul, one would be exempt from paperwork, but no we still had bureaucracy, all souls were required upon death to report to the registrar office.

Just thinking about the ordeal I would face tomorrow, I sighed, then closing my eyes I drifted off to sleep.


Waking up early the next morning, I scrounged around in my cupboard looking for something that was semi-decent to wear. Finding a pair of black pants and a shirt that wasn't torn or dirty I put them on.

After tying my hair in a ponytail, Jax and I left for the Registrar office which was located in the upper end of Soul City. Soul City was the largest city in Purgatory, it housed nearly ten million souls, the city was over a thousand kilometers squared, and the upper end was located on the opposite side to where I lived, so I had quite a trek ahead of me.

Normally people would take one of the many carriages available, but since I was so broke, it meant that I only had my own legs to rely on for transport.

Once we left the apartment, Jax transformed into his small flying dragon shape, and draped himself across my shoulders, he was too lazy to fly the whole way and often took his dragon shape when we were traveling.

The bustling streets were lined with shops and restaurants selling a multitude of items, goods in Purgatory were not made from materials but was materialized using soul power. One could make their own goods, by using their own soul power, but since you needed soul power to advanced to the next level, most souls preferred to spend their soul stones buying the goods that they needed, instead of using their own soul power. Souls who were quite willing to delay their advancement could make a small fortune materializing goods for souls to buy.

Walking past a busy restaurant, I couldn't help staring at the trays of delicious looking food, as I was in my soul body, I didn't need to eat, but damn I had just died and I was still use to eating. Soul food was also created using soul power, and eating soul power infused food could help a soul with their soul cultivation. Eating soul food was a luxury that only the really wealthy could afford, as eating soul power infused food was damn expensive. The super-rich could afford things like soul wine and other various soul liquors.

Thankfully soul bodies didn't have normal bodily functions, else I would have disgraced myself by drooling all over the place. I was so damn envious of the lucky bastards sitting there stuffing their faces full. Just one of those buffet trays could have helped me upgrade to level one.

If it hadn't been for that vengeful bitch, I could have been one of those lucky bastards, I thought to myself bitterly. Jax must have sensed my mood turning dark, as he lifted his head off my shoulder and gently rubbed his face against my cheek.

[Don't think about it Brae, one day we will find that bitch and make her pay] he said softly in my mind.

When Jax was in his dragon form he couldn't talk normally so he could only communicate with me telepathically.

"Hmmm" turning away from the restaurant window, I couldn't help clenching my fists, just the mention of that bitch had pure fury flooding my body.

{Just you wait, Arlene one day I will find you, and drag you from whichever hole you have hidden in, and tear you to f*cking pieces}

Before long I arrived in front of an opulent building, looking at the huge white marble building, with pure gold trimmings, there was a large sign with "Registrar" written is beautiful calligraphy hanging out in front of the building, it really was quite pretentious I thought to myself.

At over fifty stories high, it was the largest building in Purgatory and employed thousands of workers.

Jax flew off my shoulders and transformed back into his cute cherub form, he too had to report to his superiors, but the guardian angel offices were located a block away.

Jax and I agreed to meet back at the apartment. After wishing Jax good luck with his reporting, I walked up the large stairway and entered the Registrar building.


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