
The Registrar was the busiest place on Purgatory, well it made sense, Purgatory oversaw three different mortal worlds, which meant that there were millions of souls transferring in and out of Purgatory every day.

The ground floor of the Registrar was for inquiries and there were hundreds of souls lined up in queues, in front of me.

Urgh, I hated coming here. I hated crowds, period.

"Ah if it isn't loser Brae" I heard a high pitched voice behind me, recognizing the voice I cringed, seriously sometimes I really figured that not only did Arlene, the goddess of bitchiness hate me, but also Karma the goddess of luck.

"Ah if it isn't bitch-wanna-be Anbel" I replied, smiling sarcastically, as I turned to look at Anbel.

Anbel was everything I wasn't, she was a tall, statuesque, blond haired with gorgeous blue eyes woman, she had a figure that most woman would sell their right arm for, even her damn breasts were better than mine. Really life was unfair, it could have at least made her flat chested like me, I thought.

Standing next to Anbel, was a tall, blond haired, good looking man, the two of them together really made a striking couple.

"Brae, see you still have the habit of calling people childish nicknames," said Anbel, totally ignoring my insult as usual.

Turning to the man standing next to her Anbel said: "Caerson darling, this is my classmate Brae" then linking her arm through his "Brae this is my bond-mate Caerson" she said introducing us, looking at me with a proud look on her face.

"You here to register another life?" she asked, then turning to her companion she smiled showing off her cute dimples "Caerson dear, you have the honor of meeting the record holder of the most lives lived in Purgatory, what is it now..." Anbel said tapping her chin with her finger "seventy or eighty lives now?"

"Ninety-nine" I replied through gritted teeth, useless hiding the fact, after all, it will be all over the city later on anyway.

"Really ninety-nine lives," Anbel said feigning shock, "Well at least you must have upgraded to level one by now"

{Die bitch, die}

Ignoring her question, I tried to change the subject, I really didn't want to tell this cow that I was still an infant stage soul, it was a bit difficult to cultivate your soul when you average mortal lifespan was only thirteen years — compared to other soul cultivators who lived three or four hundred years.

"Soooo Anbel, what are you doing here? Seen any of our classmates recently" Not that I really gave a damn about her or any of those stuck up ex-classmates of mine.

Smiling smugly, Anbel whipped out a bronze strip, and waved it in front of me. "Caerson and I have just received our transfer slip, we will be transferring to Cerulea tomorrow" then leaning closer to me she said in a lowered voice.

"We would have ported over now, but you know how it is, everyone wants to celebrate, so our friends have organized a farewell party tonight, oh you really must come to Brae, it's at Celestial Palace."

Looking at Caerson "Don't you agree with me darling, Brae is one of the few classmates I have left in Purgatory" she said with saccharine sweetness.

Caerson looked at me with utmost disdain on his face, as though I was something disgusting he had found on the bottom of his very expensive shoes.

"If that is what you desire, dear" he replied, looking indulgently at Anbel, then looking me up and down, he reached into his pocket and withdrew a small name card, handing it to me he said, "Use this and the hotel will allow you entrance, the attire is formal."

I really didn't want to accept the card "Sorry I doubt I can make it, I have quite a few things planned"

Anbel grabbed the name card out of Caerson hand and stuffed it into my hand.

"No, you must attend Brae, I insist, Tira, Anahi, and Evleyen are going to be there, most of our other classmates have already moved on up to Cerulea, and Tira and the girls will be moving on soon, so really it your last chance to see them" she pleaded, but I could see the gleeful look in her eyes as she dug that knife in deep.

"Oh and don't worry about formal attire, I will have something sent over to your place, just give me your address, which reminds me, you have moved out from the slums now, haven't you?" she said with false kindness as she twisted that knife she had just dug into my heart.

"Look Anbel, I'm in a rush" with that I quickly turned and pushed my way into the crowd of people queuing up.

If I had stayed a minute longer I would most likely have lost it and ended scratching that hypocritical face of hers. Sanctimonious bitch!

After escaping from Anbel I found the door leading down to the basement, after walking through the door, and closing it behind me, I was all alone in the dimly lit stairwell, looking at the narrow stairway leading down, suddenly my sight blurred as tears welled up.

Leaning wearily against the wall, I covered my eyes with my hands. Damn it I hated crying, it was so damn useless and weak, but those words of Anbel had really hit their mark.

"F*ck, F*ck, F*ck!" I whispered softly, slamming my fist against the wall repeatably.


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