Fuck Yes Or No[1]

Think about this for a moment: Why would you ever choose to be with someone who is not excited to be with you?

There's a grey area in dating many people get hung up on — a grey area where feelings are ambiguous or one person has stronger feelings than the other. This grey area causes real, tangible issues.

"She said she's not interested, but she still flirts with me, so what do I need to do to get her?"

"Well, I know she likes me, but she didn't call me back last weekend, what should I do?"

"He treats me well when he's around, but he's hardly around. What does that mean?"

Most dating advice exists to "solve" this grey area for people. Say this line. Text her this. Call him this many times. Wear that.

Much of it gets exceedingly analytical, to the point where some men and women actually spend more time analyzing behaviors than actually, you know, behaving.

Frustration with this grey area also drives many people to unnecessary manipulation, drama, and game-playing — like "forgetting" a jacket at her place so she'll have to call you again, or "making" him wait until he's taken you on three dates before you'll sleep with him.

These things may seem clever and exciting to some people who are stuck or frustrated. But this dating advice misses the point. If you're in the grey area, to begin with, you've already lost.

Let me ask again: Why would you ever be excited to be with someone who is not excited to be with you? If they're not happy with you now, what makes you think they'll be happy to be with you later? Why do you make an effort to convince someone to date you when they make no effort to convince you?

What does that say about you? That you believe you need to convince people to be with you? (Hint: it implies that you wouldn't even want to be with yourself.)

You wouldn't buy a dog that bites you all the time. And you wouldn't be friends with someone who regularly ditches you. You wouldn't work a job that doesn't pay you. Then why the hell are you trying to make a girlfriend out of a woman who doesn't want to date you? Where's your fucking self-respect?