The Law Of Fuck Yes Or No[2]

The entrepreneur Derek Sivers once wrote a blog post where he said, "If I'm not saying 'Hell Yeah!' to something, then I say no." It served him well in the business world and now I'd like to apply it to the dating world. And because I'm more of a vulgar asshole than Derek is, I'll christen mine The Law of "Fuck Yes or No."

The Law of "Fuck Yes or No" states that when you want to get involved with someone new, in whatever capacity, they must inspire you to say "Fuck Yes" in order for you to proceed with them.

The Law of "Fuck Yes or No" also states that when you want to get involved with someone new, in whatever capacity, THEY must respond with a "Fuck Yes" in order for you to proceed with them.

As you can see, The Law of "Fuck Yes or No" implies that both parties must be enthusiastic about the prospect of one another's company. Why? Because attractive, non-needy, high self-worth people don't have time for people who they are not excited to be with and who are not excited to be with them.

This may sound a bit idealistic to some. But The Law of "Fuck Yes or No" has many tangible benefits on your dating life:

No longer be strung along by people who aren't that into you. End all of the headaches. End the wishing and hoping. End the disappointment and anger that inevitably follows. Start practicing self-respect. Become the rejector, not the rejected.

No longer pursue people you are so-so on for ego purposes. We've all been there. We were so-so about somebody, but we went along with it because nothing better was around. And we all have a few we'd like to take back. No more.

Consent issues are instantly resolved. If someone is playing games with you, playing hard to get, or pressuring you into doing something you're unsure about, your answer is now easy. Or as I often like to say in regards to dating, "If you have to ask, then that's your answer."

Establish strong personal boundaries and enforce them. Maintaining strong boundaries not only makes one more confident and attractive, but also helps to preserve one's sanity in the long-run.

Always know where you stand with the other person. Since you're now freeing up so much time and energy from people you're not that into, and people who are not that into you, you now find yourself perpetually in interactions where people's intentions are clear and enthusiastic. Sweet!