Selling His Subordinate into Servitude for the Deal (2)

"Master!" Luo Tian thought his Master was abandoning him, and his face turned pale.

"She treats her subordinates well. You'll work for her, get paid with Spiritual Beast Pills, and bring them back to me," Jun Yichen said as if there nothing were wrong with this arrangement.

During this period, he hadn't just been cultivating earthworms, but he had also been secretly observing Ye Jiuge's personality.

Ever since Ye Jiuge had purchased Legendary Venomous Insects for Ye Yu with the Spiritual Beast Pills, he'd realized that Ye Jiuge wasn't so bad. She was generous to her people.

"Yes, sir!" after realizing that his Little Master wasn't abandoning him, Luo Tian swiftly agreed to work for Ye Jiuge for the sake of the Spiritual Beast Pills.

Ye Jiuge felt like ridiculing him: Little prideful boy, do you have to be so blatant about your intention to let your subordinate work for me just for the sake of some Spiritual Beast Pills?