Lust in a Ruined Temple

Although it was a moonlit night, the jungle was still covered in darkness. Squatting low, Ye Jiuge pondered over a critical problem as she drew circles on the ground.

Although Ye Jiuge had wanted to meet up with Wan Ziyang, Bai Songling, and Ye Yu, they were not in the Medicine Refinery City. She had no way of finding them!

In the letter that Wan Ziyang had given her, he had written that there was red mud on the soles of the murdered Spiritual Practitioners' shoes. If she followed this clue, she should be able to find them.

However, that would take too long.

Luo Tian stood still as a statue beside Ye Jiuge.

When she sighed for the fifth time, he could not help asking, "Eldest Miss, I heard that you have a subordinate named Ye Yu. And that he has a Poisonous Earthworm King, which Master developed?"