The Truth Behind The Curse Of Five Poison Sect

"I don't know what her name is. I only know that she's very beautiful and has a nice fragrance. Just smelling her fragrance makes me want to follow her," Black Dictator said. If she hadn't been so cruel in capturing Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong, Black Dictator would have almost abandoned Ye Yu to leave with her.

"A beautiful woman with a nice fragrance?" Yun Jiuge asked. She remembered that the woman from Empress Temple had a beautiful silhouette as well.

But even if she knew that the Nascent Soul Cultivator was a woman, she still didn't know how to deal with her!

"Wu Lan once said that the Divine Temple was built after her father had received instruction from the Gods. She should have some news about that woman," Zi Shang said. He had already vaguely guessed something but needed further confirmation.