The Person She's Looking For Is You

"Then have you seen her before? What does she look like? What magic weapon does she use and what are its characteristics?" Yun Jiuge fired off questions like a cannon.

"I haven't seen her before. These were all conveyed to me by my father in his last words," Wu Lan said. She shook her head and sighed. If she had seen the woman, she would have definitely fought her to death.

Yun Jiuge frowned and secretly transmitted to Zi Shang, "After talking for so long, we still have no useful clues."

"Who says we've no useful clues? I already know who the woman at the Divine Temple is looking for," Zi Shang replied.

"Who is it?" Yun Jiuge asked in surprise.

"Are you really dumb or are you pretending to be dumb? The person she's looking for is you!" Zi Shang said, looking Yun Jiuge up and down.