Rhyu's POV-- What is happening?

Rhyu walks towards the parking lot to retrieve his car. Thanking the heaven that he didn't listen to Ayaka to not bring his car and just carpool with her.

"Ai... those two really forget everything when they 're with each other." he mumbles a bit irritated. He really hates it when he waste his time over something that he is not willing to take part of in the first place. He promise to himself not to succumb to any of Ayaka'a antics in the future.

'I am not his boyfriend, so I dont need to be submissive and always willing for her. I am not doing anything wrong. She is Shigo's responsibility, not mine.Right, Not me.' he says over and over in his mind.

The truth is, he and all his male friends, who are also a childhood friend of Ayaka, are afraid of her. With her kawaii look, no one from the outside of their group knows that Ayaka is notorious in psychological warfare to any of them. Well, except Shigo, who is unnerve to her cries, blackmails or even seduction. Ayaka's antics is known really well within their circle that even their former girlfriends were afraid or irritated to her due to her manipulatons and pranks to her friends.

Although they've been friends for so long never did he feel any romantic feelings towards Ayaka. She is way too much for his own taste.He likes somebody who treats him as her knight in shining armor. Besides, he doesn't have time for any love or romance right now. His time is so little and his works is full nowadays for any capricious attitude of female species.

Muttering about how the female gender dominates the male population in this generation, he started his car. He is not yet sleepy and is unsure of who he may see in his pad in the city so he doesnt like to come home now. He decided to visit his friend and one of his business partner, Saki, in his house near the remote Kenshuwo College. Anyway, it's just a 30- minute drive from the district so it will not be too far away if he decides to come home this evening. With this thought in mind, he drives speedily on the highway towards his friend's home.

Singing to himself, he was so engrossed on his driving in the almost deserted and darken area of the highway when all of a sudden, his front right tire got busted on some discarded can along the way.

Without any conscious thought, he turns his steering wheel on the right and pull over for a complete stop before any accident may happen to him or any unsuspecting passerby.

"Damn it!!!" A loud and angry curse come out of his mouth before he repeatedly slams his hand to the stirring wheel to release his frustrations.

"What a dreadful night this really is oh!. For Pete's sakes, of all people, why me?Why is this happening??! Why " He whine incessantly while looking above his head. He puts his left hand on his nape, rubbing it, while cursing a string of words. After a good 10 minutes of rumbling passed, he somehow contained his feelings but his pent up emotion for the whole week is filing up so much that he feels that he can punch anyone or anything at the moment with a minimal provocation.

He took a calming breathes before he get off his car to fix his front tire. It took him a good 30 minutes plus an oil-stained polo and a disheveled look for him to complete the replacing of his tire. By that time, it' s almost 10pm and he is beginning to feel tired.

Resting for a bit in a half sitting half standing position on the hood of his car, he heard a male voice cursing a little too loud in the middle of nowhere!