Release the girl...

At first, Rhyu is not bothered with the male's angry voice. Thinking that it must be some kind of a party or pranks amongst college students, he continue to stay on his languid position. He has somewhere to go and such thing is of no concern with him so he has no point wasting his time checking other people's business. As such, he ended up relaxing for a couple of minutes more to rest his aching body due to the squating and kneeling he did when he fixed his car tire.

Looking ahead, he is not particularly interested to know the origin of the several shuffling he heard. Though somewhat spooky for some unsuspecting passerby, he is unruffled and doesn't mind at all.

Suddenly, he saw some dancing shadows not far away from where he sits. Elongated silhoutte of two human like figures casts on the highway. He almost overlook it until he saw that one of the elongated figure ---seemingly female with the hair and womanlike- figure casted--- sway and shrink and the other shadow's gesture has an impression of picking it up. He got curious as to what is happening and decided to investigate things out.

Rhyu didn't expect anything serious and thus didn't prepare himself as to what he will see. Approaching casually to the scene and practicing his excuse if ever he will find some compromising scene between lovers, he hesistantly raised his head to look towards the origin of the shadows.

What he glimpse doesn't immediately registered in his mind. He cannot fathom the scene that unfolds before his eyes and squinting several times, he slowly adjusted his vision to see clearly and double check if his first assumption is correct.

Creasing his forehead, he stand still for 5 long seconds. absorbing and analysing what's happenings infront of him:

A tall bedruggled man is holding---rugdoll style --- a disheveled , unconscious, pale and petite girl in his left arm while his right hand is hastily and roughly removing the woman's clothing.

The girls position in the man's arm is somewhat twisted and based on some dried blood and bruised in some part of her body, she looks like she had been hit several times.


Rhyu took a couple of seconds to understand the severity of the situation. The wicked man in front of him obviously wants to take advantage of the little girl in his arm. He is oblivious to his surrounding and was unaware that Rhyu is already there and saw his heinous act. He continue to undress and tear Seyoo's blouse and undergarment while ensuring that he is holding tightly on Seyoo's injured shoulder to make sure that even if she regains consciousness, she will be immobile due to the pain of his tight grip.

Rhyu immediately scan the area for any accomplice or possible help before he decides for the best course of action.

Looking again and studying his possible opponent, Rhyu saw that the man's nose is discoloring into a purple shade and dried blood was left on it. He deducted that the little girl may have resisted and fight back on her attacker. He can easily imagine what this little girl has been through to protect herself. Rhyu felt an unexplanable anger in him for the act that the man is doing towards the unconscious girl. Wiithout hesitation, he charge towards the oblivious man.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" Rhyu shouted hoping to create some distraction and to inform his presence and scare him away.

Startled, the man looked up and Rhyu saw that he has a craze look on his face and brutality in his eyes. He felt fear for the girl's life and has the urge to kill the man in front of him.

He immediately scan from head to foot and what he saw almost make him flinch. He has the urge to snatch the girl's bosdy and runaway as fast as possible due to the sheer contempt and lust he sees in the man's face. This is his first time seeing such look to anybody. Deciding to save the girl, he readied himself for possible physical fight.

"Release the girl!" Rhyu bravely walks towards this crazy man and try to reach out to take hold of Seyoo's body while the man is too stunned to move. The man look down at Seyoo then side stepped swiftly before Rhyu can reach him. Unfaze with Rhyu's fearless action, the man stare at Rhyu and check him out to gauge his strength. When he felt that he is not strong enough to defeat him, he wickedly smile, shrugged and unceremonously drop Seyoo. He then charge at him with his hands in a choking position.

A loud thud from Seyoo's sudden drop almost make Rhyu loses his concentration. Cursing loudly, His body move on its own accord to dodge his opponent before giving a forceful downward punch on the man's stretch hand . He followed it with an upper kick and a low spinning sweep kick afterwards!