Chance encounter 1

Rhyu' adrenaline rush as he try to overpower his opponent is apparent. He cannot contain his hatred to this guy. He's like a beast charging at him and not giving any leeway for the other guy to fight back or flee. His emotion is triggered and making him more physically powerful than his usual self.

Several punch and kick landed on the man's face and body. Blood is oozing from his now-crooked nose and his left eye turns bloody as some nerves raptured after a powerful kick landed on his temple. He almost lose consciousness if not for the repeated hit he received from Rhyu that keeps him wakes up before he even fully unconscious

Completely defeated, the man try to plea but instead of words, blood comes out his mouth. He felt another kick on his chest that make him stumble backward and totally fall without any cushion. A loud 'blag' can be heard followed by his pitiful moaning.

When saw that the guy cannot stand anymore, Rhyu squats and hovers at his body before slapping his face to get his attention. He holds the guy's chin ang gently face him towards his direction.

"Listen hear, fucker. Listen.Carefully. I will shutter your left thumb and break your hand in the process for doing what you did to that little girl over there." He said so coldly and quietly, points at Seyoo's direction, before proceeding to smash a nearby sizable-amount stone on the guy's thumb. Eliciting a piercing scream of agony from him, Rhyu slaps his face for him to focused, before forcefully slamming the stone in his now battered hand.

"ah, ah, shhhh. Do'nt be a sissy. Im not yet done. For being a scumbag, I will break some of your ribcage, endure it ok?" Rhyu continue taunting the man casually before punching the lower part of the man's chest. A cracking sound will be heard before the guy lose his consciousness due to unendurable pain.

"Tsk, really? Boys nowadays are nothing but stupid. Just becausehe is taller he really thinks that he has the upper hand? oh, well at least I practice my Martial Arts move. Good to know, I still have it even after all this years" he mutters to himself a bit loudly while looking at the boy.

Standing up, Rhyu claps his hands and slap it together to remove the dirt on it before walking towards Seyoo. His facial reaction changes from being ferocious and cold blooded to being tender and concern. When he remembers how she was drop without care, his emotion went haywire. Triggered again, he shifted and move towards the unconscious guy to give him some hard kick on the stomach before moving back to Seyoo's unconscious body.

He carefully but quickly examine any bone breakage or organ damage on Seyoo's body while taking notes of all the bruises, wounds and scratches she has in her recent ordeal. He again felt that his anger is rising but he contained it and instead focused on checking Seyoo's condition. Remembering how incriminating and vulnerable she looks right now, he removed his longsleeve polo to cover Seyoo's almost naked upper body.

Naked from the waist up, Rhyu gathers some vines in the nearby trees to tie the guy up ---fully naked--- in one of the tree that is visible to the highway, making sure that he did it tightly, for him to feel extreme discomfort. He then carefully picked up Seyoo and the two bags lying nearby to carry in his car.

Now that he is calm, Rhyu decided to identify the girl in his arms and to call any possible family or friends. He place the unconscious girl on the back of his car, putting her down really carefully before rearranging her to a more comfortable position.