On his bare chest

"Fu, call the police and the school." Chinka reminds Fuwei without looking. Fully absorbed with her task, Chinka did not mind the discomfort and numbness she felt on her thigh because of her twisted position while dressing Seyoo.

" Make sure to tell them that there is a rapist here." Chinka added while carefully dressing her unconscious friend. "Oh, call her guardian in the orphanage and report what happened to Seyoo." she reminded one after another.

"On it. Just calm down ok?" He reminded her. Without her telling twice, Fuwei already dial the respective people she mentioned. He begun contacting the police station number while observing the area around him.

Rhyu, who has been quietly assisting Seyoo, flinch a little when he heard Chinka's last instruction. 'It seems that her friend knows her situation' he thought. He actively listen to Chinka's ranting while making himself look unbothered on the outside.

"Poor Seyoo, how did she manage to attract bad men when she can't even speaks?" Chinka mutters to herself. looking up, she remember that Rhyu is also there helping her.

" Oh wait, you, yes you, did Seyoo speak ?" Chinka's attention was directed to him. Pointing with her index finger and pouting lips in his direction to confirm that she is talking with him, Chinka ask excitedly-- almost smiling-- for 2 seconds -- before rearranging her facial expression and tone in a subdued tone.

Looking really straight to his eyes, Chinka raised a perfectly arch brow at him and motion with her eyes for him to answer.

"Amm. No?! I mean. No. She is already unconscious when I saw what happen." Furrowing his forehead, he answers back not liking her accusing eyes on him.

"Are you sure? Then how did you see them?" She asked suspiciously.

"How do you know that she is being attacked" she prodded more.

"Chink stop it. I can easily verify that. Don't pressure him. He is not the bad guy" Fuwei tap her right shoulder and whispered in her ear.

Chinka's face blushed. Her train of thoughts immediately stopped as she felt Fuwei's nearness. Her antagonistic look towards Rhyu was replace by a giddy sparks.

Feeling grateful, Rhyu give Fuwei a light nod and raised his eyebrows . He answer Chinka's question with a straight face "Heard some rustling. Saw shadow of 2 figures. I got curious and so I look around."

"Anyway, we can do interragation here or we can directly go to the hospital" he added with a look of mock in his face. "You're choice, I'm perfectly ok with whatever you like" He finishes before looking down on Seyoo's head and face on his bare chest.

"Ahhh, you..!" before Chinka finish her retort, Fuwei, hold on to her shoulder and press lightly, reminding her not to say anything. Chinka inhales deeply before slowly exhaling to dispel her irritation towards Rhyu. Looking at him again, she notice how bare chested he is and how half of Seyoo's upper body is leaning to him.

"Hey, have some decency! You're naked!" Chinka's negative feeling came back full blown. She carefully snatch Seyoo and lean her forward towards her body. She stared at Rhyu full of disdain.

"Can. You. Please, Cover.Your.Body?!" She said to him, emphasizing each words, gesturing and glaring at his nakedness at the same time. She is so animated that Rhyu can not help himself but to laugh with mirth.

Chinka's demeanor became really agitated as she heard his laughter. She jab at him like a lioness while demanding to stop "THERE IS NOTHING FUNNY IN THIS SITUATION??!!! GRRR!" she shouted before pushing his body outside the car. "Dont ever come near Seyoo, pervert!" she angrily added.

"Fuwei, help me carry Se" Chinka directed her attention to Fuwei, her chest rise and fall rapidly due to her anger.