Seyoo's injury

Rhyu counted the bruises, cuts, and scratches near her swollen shoulder. Making sure that Seyoo's shoulder will heal properly, Rhyu cover her body and waited for Chinka to come.

Not long after, a rush of shuffling feet can be heard in the middle of the deserted area followed by the shrill voice of a girl.

"Where's my friend? Is she ok?! Seyoo!" Rhyu heard Chinka's high pitch shout even before he saw her.

"Hi, I'm Rhyu. She is inside. Backseat" Rhyu extended his hand and introduce himself but Chinka already turned around and open the backseat.

"Ahm?" Rhyu was dumbfounded with her whirlwind movement. He was about to follow her when he heard a man's voice on his side.

"Fuwei here, man. Sorry for Chinka's behavior. She is extremely worried about Se. How is she?" concern laces his voice.

Rhyu shifted his body to see the guy clearly. He saw a fair, evenly muscled guy of about 5'10 in height, with blond hair and a monolid blue green eyes. He raise his hand towards Fuwei and give him a firm handshake.

"I understand. Fuwei, right?" he smiles a bit before becoming serious.

" Her right shoulder has been dislocated." Rhyu remember the pain that Seyoo experienced. He wince while describing Seyoo's condition.

Inhaling deeply, he continued on "She has many scratches and bruises. One of her feet is bleeding with a deep cut." He stopped briefly when he saw Fuwie's face twitches.

Staring at him, gauging his reaction, Rhyu speaks again "Her head is missing a chunk of hair and she has a busted lower lips." He cited the injuries he saw and remembered. Saying all those makes him really angry and extremely sad at the same time.

Rhyu's glazed eyes look behind him as he say "She was almost naked waist up, being manhandled. " balling his first as he describe how he saw her.

"She is already unconscious when I saw her but looks like she gave that fucker an uppercut or something because his nose is bleeding. " Seeing that Fuwei is listening to him he continue describing the scene he saw..

Smiling crudely, he told him what he did to the man "Serves him right. Oh, I left him there tied too tightly in a tree in his naked- fucking- glory." he casually points his hand above his left shoulder to pinpoint the direction where he tied Seyoo's attacker before smirking and shrugging as if it is no big deal to him that he subdued and left him there.

"Good. Hope you let him feel hell before you left. " Fuwei's eyes became sharp and his voice is really quiet when he speaks.

"Nah. I still let him survive though." Rhyu's eyes dance with cruel sparks. "Just a crushed fingers, some missing teeth, broken ribs, among other things." Understanding the meaning of Fuwei's wording, he gladly supplies the injury he inflicted on him.

Then laughing briefly, full of schadenfreude in his voice, he added "His mother may not recognize him for a month or so."

"Not enough. Seyoo is a very special person. I don't know what will she be after this ordeal" Fuwei's seems unsatisfied on what he did to the man.

"I'm just glad I save her before anything serious happened to her." Rhyu replied, without any offense on his dissatisfaction.


"Fuwei!" Chinka frantically shout before she sticks her head outside the car to look at them. "Seyoo's not looking good. Hurry and bring her to the school clinic."

When Rhyu heard this, he immediately interjected. He hold the arm of Fuwei to stop him from walking. "I don't think it will be a wise move. She needs to be seen by experts for possible internal injury. Bring her to the District Hospital." He voice out with seriousness in his demeanor.

"Hmmmm" Fuwei responded before heading towards the car. "Chinka, please put some clothes on Seyoo. Do it carefully though, she has broken bones." Seeing that Chinka was shock upon hearing one of Seyoo's injury, he pause for a little.

" We will go to the District Hospital because she needs an immediate and complete medical attention and the clinic is not equipped for a thorough check up." Fuwei instructed Chinka whose eyes widen a bit more.

"Really? broken bones?!... hmmmmm.." almost tearing up and stuttering, Chinka was at lost for words for a few seconds.

She looked at Seyoo and carefully pressed her hand, as if to give her some energy, she said' ..Ok, but I may hurt her if I do it alone." China look at Fuwei resolutely and start to give some instruction.

"Can you please help me. Sit on the other side and slowly raise her body so that I can--??" Chinka's series of commands was cut off when she saw that Rhyu already raise Seyoo's upper body. She immediately give him a nasty look before she dresses Seyoo's injured body.