Pent up Emotion : Fear

Rhyu felt completely tired after her talk with Chinka. He try massaging his neck to lossen up some tight muscle when he unintentionally glance in his rearview mirror. He stopped what he is doing when he noticed that Seyoo is furrowing her forehead, beads of sweat is visible on her dirty face. She is also gasping and breathing shallowly as if in pain. Clutching her shoulder blade, Seyoo's close eyes begun to water and her body shook subtlely. She may be unconscious but it is very apparent that she is suffering from physical pain. Rhyu decided to check on her closely.

He gets off his car and opens the backseat door. He leans forward and touch Seyoo's forehead. Rhyu realizes that Seyoo is burning up with fever. Confuse on how she got the fever, Rhyu observes her closely. He saw that Seyoo is holding on her right shoulder even in her unconscious state. Without hesitation , Rhyu partially remove part of her cover---his polo--- on her shoulder. There, he noticed that her right shoulder blade is swollen and started to discolor into a deep purple shade. He was stupified. He was sure that there are no real damages or broken bones minutes ago when he checked her body. He questioned himself if he missed that part but he is sure that it is not like that when he checked her.

Rhyu blames himself for not recognizing this immediately. He is afraid that his inability to identify possible injury properly may cause serious damage on this girl.

Taking a deep breath, he calm himself and begun to talk to the unsconscious Seyoo. "Little girl, I will need to touch you again and check if there's any bone damages huh. Please bear with me It will be really painful but I will be gentle, I promise." he tenderly held the exposed shoulder of Seyoo and begun to inspect quickly. "What did that fucked up man do to you?!" He sighs audibly, afraid that he was late in rescuing her. When he pressed a little harder on the hollow part of her shoulder, Seyoo cringe and instantly regain her consciousness due to pain!


Seyoi saw a man on top of her, looking and touching her body. She felt the pain and thought that he is manhandling her and taking advantage of her while she is unconscious. Her mind started to think of the worst thing that happened and will happen to her. Her eyes got wide and her lips openned as if to shout. when all of a sudden, the man whispered " This will be really painful little one" and jerk her right arm forcibly.

She heard a popping sound followed by a searing pain, completely taking her breathe away. Before she loses her consciousness again, she saw the man raise his hand as if to touch her. Her eyes teared up and fear consumes her. Even with the pain, her thoughts is on how to stop this guy from abusing her.

A series of painful events came to her mind and she started to panic. Is this how the universe punished her and granting her wishes at the same time for always praying to die? She remembers her mother's painful look as well as her absolute shocked look right before she took her last breath. She remembers the feeling that she experience that time and it entangles on how she feels right now. Despair, hopelessness, defeated, Above all is Fear. Fear of not be able to fights back. Fear of not be able to ask for help. Fear that her body will be use into a wicked pleasure and will be discarded after. Fear that her mother's sacrifices will be for naught.

"I don't want to die like this, not like this. please anything but this. Help me please.' she says repeatedly in her head, fighting to stay awake but was easily defeated by her weakening body. Her last thought is her mother's smile as she slowly fades into nothingness!