Chinka's Hysterics

Rhyu expected that Seyoo's cellphone is password ridden. Luckily, he is wrong. Clicking the side button, the gadget lit up and a beautiful sketch of a girl's back is the first thing that he saw. Pressing the contact button, he checked the caller history to know the last person that Seyoo talk to. Finding none, Rhyu was dumbfounded until he remembers that text messaging is the norm among students. Of course, when he remember Seyoo's condition, it made sense to him that nobody called her or her doing the same. He checked her inbox and the only list of contact that he saw there is the name Chinka Fushigawa.

He hesitated for a bit, he is reluctant to check the exchange of messages that happen between the two girls. It took him an additional 5 minutes before he was able to call Chinka. Pressing the call button, Rhyu puts the cellphone in his right ear, listening as the call connects to the person on the other line.

"Seyoo, where are you?! I told you that I will need your help, right?" Chinka's agitated high pitched voice come over after a second ring.

Before he can answer and introduce himself, Chinka beats him to it. Asking, no screaming at him, with a tone full of surprise.

"Wait?wait, wait, wait! OMG Se... Why are you calling me?Do you know that this is the first time you did this?!? Is something wrong?! OhMyGod! Something happened, right? Where are you? Se...." Chinka's hysterical voice cannot be stopped so Rhyu did what he will not normally do: Interrupting a girl in the middle of her hysterical monologue.

"Hey! Miss, stop for a sec, ok? This is Rhyu Umona. may I know who I am speaking to?" e ask qiote loudly and authoritatively.

Stillness for five agonizing second past before Chinka fired up and ask questions after questions. Voice panicking and almost shouting.

"Who are you?"

"Why are you using my friend's phone? Are you a snatcher?"

"Where is Seyoo?What did you do to her?I dont have any ransom money, I'm broke and she is an orphan so you will not earn from us? Just please let her go, don't hurt her, she cannot talk, pleaseee." Chinka begun to wail loudly.

"Waaaaa w-w-wait are you..are you a rapist??OMG did you kill my friend?" Chinka continue on, voice's trembling and sometimes stuttering. Some of the words she says is almost unrecognizable due to her very fast tempo partnered with her high pitch hysterical tone.

When Rhyu didn't answer immediately due to the shock he felt while listening to her, Chinka's pathetic wailing turns into an aggressive and full of threat tone.

" I will call the police you perv!You murderer. Rapist! I will ask my military brotherto hunt and - and..and... "Chinka wasn't able to finish her threat as she sobbed really loud, as if a pig being slaughtered.

Rhyu was stunned and was about to be shouted again by Chinka when he hastily stop her. He even involuntarily raise his hand in a stop sign while talking, afraid that if Chinka continues to talk on the other line, she will leave a serious damage on his ear if not deafness.

"Miss wait! Stop! Please! Listen first, ok. I am not a bad guy and Seyoo is with me., but she can't talk because she is unconscious. I actually saw her being mauled upon by a guy and I saved her. I am asking your name because I would like to take her to the nearest hospital. She has some bruises and sratches and I want you to accompany her there to pacify her when she wakes up, I think she is in shock, so she will need someone close to her when she regain conaciousness. I am Rhyu Umona by the way."

"Where are you? What do you mean bruises? What happen to Seyoo!?" the still hysterical high pitch voice can be heard on the other line.

"Miss, as I have told you. Seyoo was almost hurt by some guy. Are you with someone now, maybe you can ask somebody, probably a guy to accompany you and come check us out. We, I mean Seyoo and I, are here down the highway near Kenshuwo College. If you will come, please tell me now before I take her to the hospital. Oh, I have a midnight blue car with plate number 34TV5, just in case." Rhyu give further instruction on what Chinka needs to bring for Seyoo before hanging up.