Rhyu POV - College Instructor?

"Man" Maru tap him loudly on his shoulder with a wierd look on his face


"You space out man. What you're thinking?." he said as he stand up. " So ... are you game tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?" Rhyu questioned absentmindedly.

"Yup. So are you going with me tomorrow?C'mon lets meet Saki tomorrow."

"Ah. Yeah. around 11am, ok?"

"Sure. let's carpool in yours." Maru give a sideway glance as he walks towards their other friends.

" no problem" Rhyu gives a thumb up sign while still thinking about the girl.


" Man! Long time, no see" excitement can be seen in Saki's face as he gives Rhyu a bear hug.

" Yeah. It's been a while. So how are you bro?" Rhyu replied as give a playful jab on Saki.

"meh. So so. Maru, Have you seen the email I sent you about the new trends in the west?" Saki shifted his attention to Maru who has been busy typing on his cellphone.

" huh? yeah. That new software is not as good as what we have here. By the way, Saki, are you interested on taking a part time teaching job?"

"What you mean?"

"Well Mom is telling me that one of her friends is in need of Computer guy to teach in College on a weekly basis. You up for this?

"Me? why not ask Rhyu. He is 100x better than me"

" I asked him already but he is too busy right not and beside you are also good in Computer. dude you are a Computer Engineer. and Mom said that pay is good."

"ummm.. .sure I guess.. as long as it is just a weekly basis ok? Been busy nowadays too. "

"Hey, enough of that now. Saki, can I see the new software you 're developing?

I heard its unconventional to what was in the market."

"Nah, yours is better though"

Rhyu shrug ang give Saki a tap on the shoulder. " Let me be the judge of that."

Saki laughs briefly. "Whatever you say. Just check it in my room. Password is passwordpassword in number form"

"Whoa. That's genius." Maru joined as Rhyu is leaving them to go to Saki's room. "I Already texted Mom. Just go next week on her office for briefing on the computer class. You can't say no now. I said that you are very excited ok?" Maru said as he pick up some apple on the table.

"Ok, ok. I will go. text me the details." Saki resignly said as he followed Rhyu in his room.


"So how it?" Ask Saki as he enters his room.

"Well, for one it still incomplete but I can see that it is good. I just think that you can tweak on the interface and some coding. We can do beta testing on this. When will you launch this?" Maru replied without looking to Saki as he is engrossed on the codes.

"Soon. maybe I can do beta testing in the new class I will handle.Ha! ha! get student's insight and be my guinea pig. Ha! Ha!" Saki is delighted with what he thought.

Maru turn and make his look disgusted to what Saki suggested "Tsk! Bad teacher. User!"

"Yes, I am. ha! Ha!" Saki laugh comically.