Seyoo's POV-- Back to school


Ok. Class dismiss. Submit your art work next week. Test on first 2 chapters. Please prepare." Mrs. Chowa, the class Art Appreciation instructor, said before leaving the room.


"We're not ready yet. whyyy???"


"Exam? no, please no!!!"

half of the class grunted about the announcement. Seyoo on the other hand is still busy in finishing her notes and just doesn't mind the noise of her classmates.

"Sey, want to come with us? We will try the new kiosk across our school. They are raving that the ramen there is really tasty." Invite by her seatmate, Pewee. She is expectantly looking at Seyoo with her cute Dolly eyes.

Seyoo just shakes her head and smile at her then she look down and continue writing again. She didn't see the disappointment in Pewee's face.

'It's been almost a month but Seyoo still doesn't want to mingle with her outside the class' Pewee said in her self. 'I really want to know her and be friends with her but she is so aloof even to me. hayss' she dejectedly walk out of the room and join her other classmates to eat.

Seyoo stayed on the room and glued herself on her seat while waiting for everybody to leave. Once the room is vacant except for her, she take out a palm size panini in her bag and start eating. She prefer eating alone and just read her books. She tries to be invinsible and just stay inside the classroom even during breaktime. She still doesn't talk and just make herself small and unimportant so that no one pays attention to her even her teachers.

She rarely used her board and marker but she still bring it with her all the time. Her means of communication is her cellphone. Most of her classmates didn't notice that she doesn't speak at all .They just think that she is just very timid and introvert. Even on group activity, she just listen and act as the secretary of the group. No one really pays attention on her form of communication because they also use their phones most of the time. Even in class activity they use Kakao.

"Ting." Seyoo's phone chime indicated a text.

'SOS, I bdly nid help! resq pls' Chinka sent a text message

'wat?' she glance at the text and replied then look again in her notes.

'I nid lit rport 2m but im doin sme major proj n ComArt. pls Seee?' Chinka replied back with crying emoticon

'Cant. Hve exam in Comp.' she texted back as she finish eating her panini.

'Seeee!!!!.. im dying hir.... heeeeeelppp meee'

'Se, I wl die.My Beaut wl rot'

'i tot u lov me???'

'I promis 2 do any rquest frm u.just help me'

Seyoo's phone keeps on chiming because of her friend's continuous and rapid text. She cannot concentrate on the coding in her notes. She irritatedly read all the messages. before replying with a little bit of force from her fingers.

'What wl I gain f I help u? Dont rpid txt me. Annoying' She texted back.

'Yay! anythng. my life. my heart. my body. its all urs' Chinka's comical reply made Seyoo laugh and cry internally.

'K' She replied

'4 real? I knew it! U love me d most. I love u 2! Saranghe!'

Whiel typing for a reply, Seyoo's phone loudly ring indicating a call,that she almost drop her phone. She then accept the call when she saw Chunka's name as the caller

"Seyoooooo!!! you're thr bestest best in the world.. love you so much! topic is Don Quixote by Miguel De cervantes. Thank you.thank you. you can't back out now. I already say I love you and thank you. Talk laters .Mwuah! Ciao!" Chinka's high pitch voice can be heard and she talk real fast to finish the call immediately for fear that Seyoo will back out and end the call.

Seyoo sighs soundlessly. Of course she cannot answer verbally to Chinka but she feels a bit frustrated with the topic she mentioned. Fortunately, She read the books in her first year in college and remember some key points. She stop worrying about it. She pick her notes in computer to study the codes that their instructor give last time.