Rhyu's POV -- Help your friend.

"No Saki. I don't want to. You know that I am busy right now . Ask other thing except that." Rhyu is talking via a wireless earphone with Saki while busy typing on his laptop. He needs to finish some deadline within the day so that his timeline will not be disrupted.

"Man, I can't forego this opportunity to go in Germany this Friday. You know that. If it's just a week I can be absent in my computer class but this is a whole month we are talking about and besides I already involve my students in my software. It will be cruel if I will not teach them." Saki's concern can be heard on his voice. He got the funding that he needed for his new sotfware but he needs to fly to Germany for a month to present it to investors.

"I'm really busy though. I have my own company to run for. Ask Maru to cover for you." Rhyu is still busy typing while talking over the phone. His speed didn't diminish at all. Is as if he is not doing nothing beside coding.

"I asked but he is not available as well. And before you start your roll call,I already did it. I asked all our other friends but all of them decline. Well, of course half of them are not familiar with the things that we do. Don't think that you are at the top of my mind. I know that you are one helluva busy but I do not have a choice. I will pay your hourly rate plus 1 hour more for your travel to and fro. and I will shoulder all your meals every Saturday. I will give you a driver of your own to pick you up and drive you." Saki listed some of the things that he will do to make him agreed.

"---Besides, Maru's mom will skin me alive if I leave their students hanging." Saki is racking his brain to Make Rhyu accept the offer. "Man, please it's just for 3 hours and a Saturday class. I checked with Aya, you have the whole afternoon by yourself. Please" Saki pleaded this time.

"Saki, I told you ----"


Rhyu was interrupted when he hear that familiar sound indicating a new text message arrived.

'Rhy, Help Saki. I clear all ur afternun Sat sched. We wil handle it on r end. He giv me an offer I cant resist. So just do it. I will not bugged u 4 a month 2, f u accept. Else, prepre to c my nasty side.' Ayaka's text make Rhyu convulse internally.

'You're very scheming Saki. You know that all of us in our group cannot resist Ayaka's threat. I will get back at you' He thought.

"Rhyu, man, tell me ---" Saki started pleading again when he got cut by Rhyu.

"What did you offer to Aya?" Rhyu irritatedly ask Saki as he close his laptop.

"Huh?" Saki is surprised with this sudden question. "--Oh, it worked? Ha! Ha! It really worked. I know I can count on her. So Saturday this week. 1 to 4 pm. Auditorium 5. Topic is Phython. Thanks man. Yes!" Saki fires all the detailed happily. He cannot contains his delight that he laugh then raise his hand and shouted the last word.

"Wait, what is the specific topic? ---- No, I asked what did you offer to Aya?" Rhyu frustratingly retorted. His train of thought is disrupted. He knows he lose this round and no other option but to agree.

"It's a thing that she really wants for 3 months now. I didn't agree to her even when she keeps on pestering me daily. Who knows I can use it as a leverage. Ha! ha!" Saki is over the moon with happiness. He also knew that Rhyu do not have a choice but to agree. the power of Aya's antics really haunt them.

Don't gloat!" Rhyu snapped at him .

"What is it, I will topped it." He knows that he cannot but still trying to salvage this losing situation.

"No you can't. Otherwise, Aya should have come for you. Even Shigu can't do anything about this and he is the freaking wallstreet in our group. Ha! Ha!" Saki's confidence soars and he can't stop feeling superior but he didn't forgrt that this is s big favor that he cannot forget. He knows how precious Rhyu's time so he give a promise on his own.

"Anyway, I owe you big time. I will return the favor. Just tell me what you need in the future and I will help you without batting an eye." He said sincerely and he knows that he will really help him.

" Rhyu, I have to go. And oh, wear an eyeglasses and don't smile I dont want my students to fall for you. I should be the only one whom they needs to have a crush on" He playfully added before cutting the line.

"Pissed off!" Rhyu's frustration of being force to is evidence in his voice. He really is afraid of Ayaka. Well, all of their friends for that matter.

'I guess, my option is limited. I'll just take this as s change of routine. Maybe it will bring some challenge in me.' He peptalked to himself. Internally, he is really resigned that he will need to waste his time doing very unrelated things instead of using it in his project.