Seeing her Again 1

12:47pm, corridor to Auditorium 5

Rhyu is still at his phone, talking to Saki for the last minute mad pursuasion to back out as he walks to his classroom. He was picked up by Saki's on call driver, Gio, at exactly 12 noon while he is still doing some coding. Lunch was also included and Gio handed to him the clubhouse sandwich from a known restaurant in the area. With a 'Thank you, reminder and threat ' all- in- one text message from Saki, Rhyu has no choice but to accept the paperbag of meal while looking like a woman who is about to be sentence to her death. He didn't check what's inside and just put his laptop and some notes on his bag with some force and entered the car with a stern look.

Rhyu then stopped by at the Dean's office and meet Maru's mother for some quick pointers in classroom management. Although he is feeling frustrated, his professionalism kicked in. He listened carefully, asked related questions and did some mental notes. Once finished, he immediately called Saki to make the class as he dash to Auditorium 5. Good thing that it is just on the same floor and just 10 classroom from the Dean's office or he will be pissed off to waste his energy and time to look for it.

"Saki, I really can't do this. Please." Rhyu said over the phone whilst thinking of skinning him alive for making him do this.

"Rhyu, I can't. We had a deal okay. Off I go. Sorry they are calling me man. Don't worry you will enjoy this." is thecreplied on the other end. Saki's voice sounded as if it's not and issue anymore.

"But --" Rhyu's word was cut off as Saki end the line.

"Shit!" oblivious to his surrounding, he curses loudly as he reached the door of the auditorium. He looked at his phone with so much contempt that he feels like throwing it on the ground and stomp on it as if it is Saki. He inhales and exhales and count 1 to 10 to stopped his urges to destroy his phone.

He curse more, this time with several choice of words, before he strides in the teacher's table and plopped himself down still looking to his phone. After 30 seconds, he calmed down and unzipped his bag to get his lunch and laptop.

"Nothing can be done now. Might as well eat some and just go with it." he talks and consoles himself, murmuring words of encouragement. He thought that he is the only person in the classroom so he just act as if he is in his own pad.

"It's not bad. Think of it as a social responsibility. One month is not long. Just make Saki's life a living hell once this is over." He keeps assuring to himself, this time his voice is louder and a small maniacal smirk is seen on his handsome face before he chuckles . Anyone who will see him right at that moment may think that he is ready to commit a heinous crime.

As he filled his stomach with the sandwich in his left hand and doing some coding on his right hand, he thinks of a ways to torture Saki when he gets back from Germany. Unaware that his face emits a crazy look with an abrupt change from smile to chuckle to serious and deathly look, he continue to imagine Saki's misfortune in his hand.

With his last thought of making him wear a girl's apron while all of their friends are present, he can't help but laugh with much gusto.

"Ha! Ha! H--" A loud noise surprise him and interrupted his thought. He straightened up and check what happened.

It looks like... something big--

...or someone falls with the chair.