Seeing her again 2

Rhyu looks up to check what happened. He stops moving when he saw that someone is in the room with him and that someone fell with chair still on the person's back. He was mortified that someone heard his tirade and seen him doing some random faces while he is talking to himself. With his round eyes of shock and jaw hanging low, he concludes that he will explain himself to that person to get a redemption of first impression. 'I can do this. Its no big deal really.' He said internally. Rhyu rearranges his facial reaction to appear serious and mature looking.

"Aherm" He clears his throat and started talking

"Sorry, I was not aware that I am not the only person here." He is racking his brain on what to say next

"I was just thinking of my friend who wronged me and I just want to think of a way to get back at him in the most hilarious way ." He walked to the aisle of the auditorium towards that person while explaining himself in a conscious manner.. The person he is explaining is on the back of the classroom so he needs to traverse upward if he wants to check up what happened at the back.

While moving to reach the end row, the cellphone on his inner coat pocket vibrates indicating a call. He looks down and get it to see who might be calling. He hears and sees from his peripheral vision that the person who fell down is already standing up. He breathe a sigh of relief as he answered the call from Aya.

"Aya, my class will start in just a few minutes. I have to prepare something" Rhyu didn't wait for his friend to talk and already explains that he is busy and not available to talk.

as he was about to look for the other person, Aya scream at the end of the line that got gis attention.

"Waittt!!!" Aya screeched so loud and with a high pitch that his eardrum hurts. "Don't hang up yet. I need your file on our last year's xpenses. Someone from the Taxation committee called and accused us that we file our taxation incorrectly. I need it asap. I want to slap them with our documents." Her voice sounds angry that he is afraid to make a comment.

"Okay. Wait until 4 pm today. I'll send it after I finish my class" Rhyu replied forgetting that someone is in the room. He turns around to go to his things and prepares while waiting for the influx of the students in his class.

"No! I need it now!Email it. It will not take you a minute to do so." Ayaka commanded in her most bully-voice that irritates her friends.

"Did I tell you that you I hate your demanding side?" Even though he sulks and retorts to her, he started seaching in his laptop to send it to her.

"I know. And I really don't care Rhy." Ayaka knowingly smiles on the other end because she knows she still gets want she demanded.

"Check it now. Oh! I forgot --" at that moment, Rhyu looks up and his world stops.

At the background, Ayaka's incessant nagging can be heard. Meanwhile, students started to pour in and the auditorium becomes noisy but for him, it's as if there are only 2 people at that particular moment.

Almost as if his time was in a slow motion, the phone that he is holding slowly slids before completely crashing on the floor. It creates a big noise that makes everyone nearby stopped and turned at Rhyu. Most girls gasp when they see him. Surprise but happy shrill and excited murmuring will be heard but he is oblivious around him. He is still unblinkingly looking forward at the back of the stage, his whole focus is at the the face that's been lingering in his mind all this time.

'I found her again.' He said to himself.