Freeze and Kill!

At the crucial moment, one of the players stood up! It was not Feng Luo. As a Sniper, all he could do in the face of such a situation was take a shot, and even if he were extremely lucky and landed a 10-times golden critical hit to kill the Stingray, its corpse would still cause enough impact to flip the ship.

The one who stood up was Glazed Ice, the Water Manipulator. She had been standing still ever since the Stingray hopped out of the water the second time. Her magic staff was glowing with dim water energy as she prepared to unleash a massive skill.

Finally, the skill was completed. A crystal-clear mini ice ball was formed on top of her magic staff, which then instantly broke away and flew toward the Stingray.

As the Stingray neared their location at full speed, the crystal-clear ice ball crashed into the Stingray's body just after its second bounce above the sea due to a combination of speed from both sides.