Pirates (Part 1)

The next day, before dawn, Feng Luo was awakened by the alarm. He had set up a system alarm when he rested for the night. If someone around him entered a battle state, the system would wake him up.

Feng Luo sat up from the bed of the double room. Although the room in the cruise ship had good sound insulation, he could still hear gunshots from the boat and shouts from the deck.

"What happened?"

On the other side of the bedroom, a beam of white light flashed through Big Pineapple, and he sat up. In War, if the player went offline while in a vehicle, their body would be left in the vehicle and would move along with it. However, in this state, the player was protected from attacks by other players, and, in the case of an unexpected situation, the player's party could remind him to go online through the virtual pod or the helmet.