Enhancement Potion Injection

"Miss Rui! I was wondering if I could have the honor of inviting Miss Rui to dine with me at the Michelin Restaurant for lunch. To show my gratitude for yesterday's mission!"

The arena match had a lot of "ups and downs." In the previous two rounds, the result between the match between the two top ten masters was a win each. As such, the last match had been extremely heated. In the end, the Light Armor Warrior called Blade had won narrowly with just 6 percent of his HP left.

This "fierce" match had earned the praise and commendation of many, and the popularity of the two Top Ten Masters was higher than ever. However, Feng Luo and Sister Rui only exchanged glances as they came to a mutual conclusion, knowing that the third round was just an "act" that both sides had earlier negotiated. As such, just as the match was about to end, both of them stood up and prepared to leave.