“Analyzing” the Evolution Talent

Synthesized Primary Evolution Virus (W) Enhancement Potion, Type 1. Obtained: Vitality +5, HP +150, all energy resistance +2.5%, basic HP recovery rate +10%…

After half an hour, the system logs displayed the final effects of the vitality Enhancement Potion.

Clearly, compared to the results of the Agility Enhancement Potion from before, the effects of the Vitality Enhancement Potion were only half as potent. No wonder Lin had mentioned that the effect of the second potion, compared to the first one, would be greatly reduced!

It's just… This reduction is too much, isn't it? It shrank by 50 percent!

However, Feng Luo cared more about the second notification in the system log. His eyes widened when he saw it.

Due to the activation of the "Evolution" talent while synthesizing, you've obtained the following: Vitality +2, all energy resistance +1%, basic HP recovery rate +4%, Primary Evolution Virus resistance increased!