Feng Luo’s Hidden Profession Mission

Storm City. Shangri-La Hotel, Level 99.

Inside a high-class luxury suite that had been turned into a dimly lit meeting room through the environment simulation function, Feng Luo sat in front of a black rectangular table. Sitting across from him were a man and a woman. The two of them looked like middle-aged white-collar NPCs.

"Here is some information regarding your mission…"

Wearing a typical white-collared shirt and a suit, the male NPC turned on the miniature terminal on the table and produced a floating, transparent screen in the middle of the three of them. On the floating screen were densely-packed words, pictures of people, and images of items. Skimming through them, there were at least 10,000 words and over 100 pictures. In a dim environment like this, just a glance at the sight was dizzying.

"Confidential. Sorry. We can't give you the information on the mission. What you can do is to record it. Here…"