
"Finally, he's come out!"

Seeing a withered yellow grass patch of half a person's height outside the forest, Flaming Blazing Flames held his staff as he continued to flee.

He had thought himself clever by luring the "Hunter" behind him into the forest, not expecting that not only had it not widened the gap, it had also allowed the opponent to get even closer instead.

Now, the "Hunter" behind him, wearing sunglasses and with red-glowing eyes, was already less than 20 meters from him.

However, it seemed like he was on the verge of a comeback! For a Fire Manipulator, the withered patch of grass before him was undoubtedly an awesome battleground.

Pu, pu, pu!

He activated a string of Fireball Combo fireballs which exploded on landing. They fell onto the grass behind Flaming Blazing Flames as he ran, and instantly set the grass patch on fire!