Something Up Big Pineapple’s Sleeve

Another 150 points. If I carry on like this, my points are almost there already!

Feng Luo turned the Barrett to aim at the metallic skeleton-looking Hunter T-750. Much of his metallic structure had been revealed due to his disguise skin being burnt by the continuous flames.

There was another 300 killing points up for grabs here. If claimed, the 1500 killing points for unlocking the Pet Space Bracer would be met!

The T-750 had walked out of the burning vegetation with his head already turned in Feng Luo's direction. The two blinking red dots under his sunglasses were already very clear under the darkening sky.

The Hunter had no reaction when he saw the dead Fire Manipulator laid on the grass nearby. After all, this combat robot was designed purely to kill, and it did not need any simulation system of human emotion.