Sonic Weapon Blueprint

This Level-45 high-power Rare handgun was the reward Feng Luo had gotten after his "Biohazard Crisis: Omen" plot mission.

Considering its strong power, even many of the current Level-50 Rare handguns couldn't have matched up! But Feng Luo had used "Tyrant" less often because its size was a bit too big. Plus, with its rare attribute—the effect of its recoil being even stronger than that of a Desert Eagle—and with Feng Luo's strength, he needed two hands to grasp and to maintain its accuracy!

Furthermore, having the Eye of the Thunder and the Barrett, it was not often that he encountered a close-combat situation (he hadn't unlocked the Tyrant on Death Hunter Island), and so it had remained in his backpack. But in the current situation, it was clearly time for this powerful left-handed handgun with its "knockback" attribute to unleash its effect!
