The Biohazard Crisis Officially Starts!

In the underground ruins, Feng Luo and his people continued the exploration mission!

Outside, the sky had already turned completely dark. In Silvermoon City, a Biohazard Crisis created by evolved viruses and some players arrived following the dark night!

In the first minute, at the edge of a leisure square, an NPC couple could not suppress their passion as they sat on a clearing beside a small forest, hugging and kissing in an area where it was unlikely that they would be disturbed by others! But just when things were heating up and they were about to take the next step, a dark silhouette suddenly rushed out from the forest at the side—running straight toward the NPC girl!


The next moment, the NPC girl let out a painful scream!

"What happened?"

The male NPC was shocked. He saw that attached to his girlfriend's pant leg was a white dog, dirty and with bloodshot eyes, biting hard!

"Damn it, get lost!"