Sky-high Production Cost

"Holy shit! Old Feng, your guns' stats are really insane!" Big Pineapple moved to Feng Luo's side with a face full of envy, his drool coming out of his mouth.

After that Big Pineapple seemed to have thought of something and turned around to ask Old John, who was drinking liquor, with a pleasing attitude and his usual sleazy smile, "Master John, apart from guns, can you make other stuff? Armor? Shields? Can you make those as well?"

"Yes, I can. But you'll have to prepare all the materials yourself. The alloy armor that I make requires a basic production cost of 200,000 credits each. As for a shield, the basic production cost will be a million credits. If there are any additional requests, there will be extra production costs. No ceiling." Old John's face started showing signs of being drunk. He shook his liquor bottle and found that the entire bottle had already been emptied by him.

Big Pineapple almost bit his tongue after hearing Old John's words.