Counter - "Spy" Mission

"We received an important intel just now. Based on insider intel from the rebel army higher-ups, a group of disguised rebel army adventurers has secretly infiltrated Storm City." At a corner inside a coffee shop near the arena, Feng Luo and the other two sat while connected to Haruko, who was inside the special agent base, through their special agent eyewear.

"Rebel army camp players." When they heard Haruko's introduction, all three of them were surprised.

Had Rebel army camp players managed to infiltrate Storm City? What was their objective? Were they going to cause chaos and destruction while trying to kill someone, just like what they did during the special agent examination in Dongsang City?

"Their actual objectives aren't clear yet. However, considering the current situation in Storm City, the bosses ordered that we have to find them and get rid of them before they begin their operation." Haruko said.