Severe Loss


The micro-energy bomb explosion created an energy sphere with a radius of around 20 meters. The explosion engulfed half of the Emperor Suite.

"Ka, ka, ka..."

The violent wind caused by the explosion swept across every corner in the room, sending all the corpses of the dead players, that did not disappear since it was an ongoing mission, flying all over the place.

Even the enhanced glass that could withstand the blade of Ghost Weep, to a certain extent, began to crack after being hit by the violent and powerful impact.

"Cough, cough..."

After five seconds, coughing sounds began to appear across the room.

Feng Luo stood up near the wall where he was thrown. He grimaced as he saw the completely battered room.

He was left with less than 5,000 HP after the explosion. The incident earlier happened so quickly that he did not have time to activate the Life Protozoa's shield before he felt the impact head-on.