Legendary-Grade: Black Eagle

"Welcome to the Agent equipment warehouse, Agent Azure Dragon." As Feng Luo entered, the virtual equipment warehouse's gentle intelligent female voice sounded.

"Check my Authorizations and points." Feng Luo said.

"Alright…you currently have: 1 B-Grade Authorization, 2 C-Grade Authorizations, and 9 D-Grade Authorizations. Agent points: 7067."

"Help me retrieve the Legendary equipment: Silver Blade." Feng Luo spoke once again.

"Alright, there is a total of one piece of equipment with the Silver Blade among the Legendary-Grade equipment, serial code: T-093."

Before Feng Luo, the three-dimensional diagram of the Silver Blade, with a smooth and shiny silver knife handle and an almost transparent knife blade as thin as cicada wings, appeared, rotating slowly and eye-catchingly.

"Use my Authorizations for exchange."

"You are about to spend 1 B-Grade Authorization, do you confirm?" The intelligent female replied.