Generous Nine Star Guild

In the vice director's room in the Nine Star Guild Organization Headquarter building.

"There were too many matters at last night's banquet, the service was not really all-rounded, hope that Mister Feng didn't mind." Zi Wei smiled as she placed a cup of coffee in front of Feng Luo.

"Nope… I still have to thank Miss Zi Wei for last night, we had to do a mission so we left early..." Feng Luo replied.

His eyes studied the layout of this office occupying more than 200 square meters at the top of the building - from an environment, one was able to understand a person's personality.

Initially, Zi Wei had invited him, Phoenix, and Big Pineapple to lunch through the Communicator.

However, Phoenix and Big Pineapple had already accepted missions and we're prepared to work hard and farm for Merit these few days while Feng Luo had declined, changing the meeting venue straight to the Nine Star Guild headquarters.