Earning a Beetle Army Shortcut

Phoenix and Big Pineapple wanted to do missions, but because this matter was concerning the both of them, Feng Luo had switched on the Agent channel upon meeting Zi Wei to let the two of them who were doing Merit missions listen in.

As it was the Agent channel, not only Phoenix and Big Pineapple but also Onishi and Digital Cat could hear the information.

Hence, Digital Cat's words had initiated response from the others.

"Woo…Digital little girl, you want to join? Aren't you researching your mecha?" Big Pineapple seemed to have met some monster and was fighting; when he spoke, there was sounds of running and panting.

"Really? Little sister Cat, you want to join too? This mission in pretty dangerous." Phoenix said with a laugh.

"T-750 is almost completed, I need to go a step forward to earn the battle stats against high-end players." Digital Cat's voice was very flat, but what she said was unexpected to Feng Luo.