The Surprised Senior Players of Nine-Star Guild

"God damn, Frontline Command and Sword Ki Long River died in the middle of the operation. If not, with Frontline's stealth profession skills, we might have a way out of this. Deputy President Zi Wei, if only back then you did not completely agree to allow Frontline carry on with such a dangerous operation..." A high-ranking player with the emblem of the Nine-Star Guild on his chest blurted out grudgingly, as he seemed to put a lot of emphasis on the word "deputy."

"This baiting operation is a super important aspect of the plan, if none of the Rebel Army and North City people fight, then based on our situation back then with our reduced members, even if Frontline Command was on the field, how much hope of winning would we even have in the end? Although they died, the operation was a success." Zi Wei looked at him sideways.