Metal Praying Mantis

"F*ck, it's disgusting!"

"Don't even bother with the Quasi-Boss Chip, even the Boss Chip was taken by an outsider. Did the leader consider everyone's contributions this time? There's hearsay that Feng Luo had some relations with Deputy President Zi Wei..."

Amongst the reactions of shock and admiration, there were also some strange voices.

"No more chit-chat from anyone, quickly prepare for battle! Our mission now is to intercept! You must quickly hinder the people from the Rebel Army and North City and allow these three items to be delivered to the warship and complete the mission!" a Heavy Armored Warrior with a golden shield frowned as he shouted and interrupted the two people.

The people with such thoughts were not limited to the Nine-Star Guild players that were told to stay behind and intercept. Some people in the group that were allocated to protect three people along with Zi Wei were also complaining.