A Confession Without Duress

Gu Qingchen had wanted to say something else but let it go in the end. However, she parted with a word of warning. "Staying by my cousin's side isn't as easy as you think. I hope you can continue to live the life you want accordingly." Gu Qingchen immediately turned around and left after that.

'Staying by Chu Ningyi's side is not as easy as you think'. Shui Anluo lowered her head and watched as her son zoomed back and forth. However, she chuckled. It was not that difficult too, was it?

After the little darling finished running around his daddy's office, his short little legs finally began to protest. He walked over and stretched out his arms, asking his mommy to hold him. He did not want to walk anymore.

Shui Anluo carried him in her arms and placed him on the sofa, allowing him to lean back against the cushion.

The little darling reached out and wiped his little head. He was tired from all of that running.