Yuan Jiayi's Complaint

Yuan Jiayi suddenly looked up at Shui Anluo with a scrutinizing look in her eyes.

Shui Anluo straightened up and handed the temperature-tested milk bottle to her son who was staring right at her. Just as the little darling began to drink his water in a satisfied manner, Shui Anluo spoke once again. "Yuan Jiayi, since you also want me dead, why don't we wait and see? Let's see who will emerge victorious in the end."

Yuan Jiayi clenched her fists as waves of emotion hit her heart. This version of Shui Anluo has exceeded her expectations.

"Shui Anluo, what right do you have to invite me to war?" Yuan Jiayi spat icily.

Shui Anluo cast an arrogant glance at her and replied icily, "Yuan Jiayi, I don't really have that right but I won't let anyone who wants to take my life go so easily. You better pray that I don't find any evidence that links you to that incident. Otherwise, let's see who gets the last laugh."