He's Boring?

Qiao Yaruan heard her pause and immediately asked, "In the future?"

"We can come here together in the future," Shui Anluo hurriedly replied and could not help but pat herself on the chest. She had nearly blurted out Feng Feng's name.

"Pfft, how annoying. Who wants to go there with you?" Qiao Yaruan clicked her tongue.

Shui Anluo's face gradually turned black. "Empress Dowager, let me tell you that you'll lose me by doing this."

"You'd still roll all the way back here even if I lose you anyway. Why should I be afraid?" Qiao Yaruan replied matter-of-factly. Suddenly, she heard a ringing noise. "Class has ended over here. Remember to send me more pictures of your brother Chu and my godson."

"Pfft, you'd be bowled over by how beautiful it is," Shui Anluo sneered and ended the call.